the normal demi trainers are already extremely zaku but then hers is like. customed specifically to be even more like a zaku

0 4

When you’re a guntank main and also a Zaku main

1 11

A red zaku ii?

Must be a fan of Johnny Ridden then

9 106

my buddy was the one who got me into gundam
and yes happy birthday buddy even though we have known each other for a bout 4 or 5 years now :)

have goofy zaku melee wanna be

3 13

ok thats kinda confusing
i guess gundarim doesnt make it a gundam
and this is a zaku 2

0 1

Get in the Zaku, it's time for battle (play gundam evo with me)

0 6

i was drawing a zaku from memory and accidentally made it thick 😭😭

11 41

heres some grunt mech designs and yes theyre zaku clones but idc

4 8

The Red Comet Nights: The Ballad of Zaku Bobby🏁🏁🏁

5 22

Something for the wonderful ❤️

Thank you for the work my friend!

5 13

㊗️ 原資回収完了
自動戦士まんぼう のGOLDMAN ZAKU Sに 300,000 円を投資した結果、約一ヵ月間で原資回収、初期投資分を出金してしまえば勝ち確定の日本円マイニング環境の構築完了どん😋

[初期投資] 300,000 円
[現在残高] 619,198 円


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