Het magazine van vorige zomer was een vooruitblik op het echte werk. is een anthologie met strips van 57 namen uit en Een schitterende bloemlezing van 240 pagina's, op groot formaat en boordevol geweldige bijdragen. Begin maart. https://t.co/FriIxBUbbP

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Will you join us for our *FREE* online launch of Paperchains, an anthology of lockdown voices from underrepresented voices?

8th March, 7pm GMT.

Joining info: https://t.co/CrQdjqyNAv

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📕 Le neuvième volume de Fate/Grand Order Comic Anthology STAR RELIGHT sortira le 9 mars au Japon !

La couverture de l'anthologie est réalisée par Usagi Routo (@ : usagi_lokiloki) (Fate/Ixtella, Heroic Spirit Lore ~Edmond Dantès~).

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Thanks for update! I’m all for whimsical, colorful and dreamy covers/internal illustration.

I have previous experience w/published covers for artbook anthologies

portfolio: https://t.co/6HSQTPjRLW
contact on folio!

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Un nouveau spin-off de Dune, The Waters of Kanly, annoncé par pour mai 2022 😍

Celui-ci se basera sur la nouvelle éponyme de Brian Herbert et Kevin J. Anderson parue dans l'anthologie Infinite Stars en 2017 !

👉 https://t.co/4AAHICPqSj

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Utapri Debut character anthologies

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Heute gibt es wieder die offiziellen Zahlen zu den Anthologien.
-Verspätet: 117/270 ausgewertet.
-Verbissen: 2 Einsendungen, endet am 08.08.22
-VerkORKt: 0 Einsendungen, endet am 12.12.22

Reguläre Manuskripte werden nicht angenommen.

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Juste pour info il redessine tous les chapitres avant sortie en tome le Togashi. Son vomi gribouillis d'enfant en CP c'est les weekly 😭

L'anime ranma est un peu claqué. Le manga après les premiers arcs devient une anthologie et c'est le manga le plus drôle que j'ai jamais lu.

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Celebrating the publication of newest book in the best-selling ‘World Full of…’ series of lavishly illustrated anthologies...


A World Full of Journeys and Migration by

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Happy birthday to our dear friend-of-the-Wave ! 🎉 Wish them the best of years 🥳

Liana is all up in our anthologies: ALL WE EVER WANTED (w: Kay Honda), EMBODIED (w: ), DEAD BEATS (w: ) & DEAD BEATS: LONDON CALLING (as a writer, a: !) https://t.co/sbwZev3QU2

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Hope I'm not late, for
Cause I'm desperately in need of some yuri fix, I wonder If there are any anthologies licensed by

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We’re approaching the 100th(!) title to be published in the series, but with so many titles it can be a real mystery to know where to start. 🕵️

Fortunately, series editor is here to help with these themed anthologies!

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Finished the dead inside. Review to follow.
I'm going to take a quick break from Anthologies (Don't break the oath still to come) and I'm heading into vampire territory, accompanied by and her Nocturnal Blood, to be followed by 's last Gabriel book.

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La machine à indifférence et autres nouvelles : anthologie de japonaise : https://t.co/zTKfQGTmmS

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Hey! I am currently available more comic book writing work. Anthologies, series, graphic novels, web comics - any and all are welcome. Below are some of the books I've worked on and you can find more on my website: https://t.co/wSwavF7U61

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NOW 33% OFF: Smut Peddler Presents: Silver!

It only gets better with age! The latest in the Smut Peddler series of anthologies, Silver shines the spotlight on grande dames and silver foxes. Experience is EVERYTHING.

$10 ebook, $20 softcover!


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I ordered the two Final Fantasy XV Official Comic Anthologies a month ago, and the second one came in today! I won’t post any full pages (because of spoilers and legal(?) reasons), but hopefully, these zoomed-in art shots are okay!

FULL credits to Square Enix and キナコ!

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(#Marvel Comics VO) Début de l’anthologie Elektra - Black, White & Blood, mini-série qui, comme son nom l’indique, montre seulement ces trois couleurs. Trois courtes histoires pour le premier numéro avec plusieurs auteurs sur le titre.

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finished Slash-her, review to follow.
Now a run of anthologies/collections - 's Burnning boy, "Quaint &..", ' The Dead inside, Anitifa... & Con't break the oath!

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