Ovo aproveitar a treta do novo capitulo de shingeki kkk

Rainha Historia pros bem bonita pros seis

❤️+🔁= Neto feliz

2 5


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596 2189

Ymir is like the spectator ghost from behind seeing what you do 😱

12 77

It's just a scarf it won't hurt you.
The scarf:

163 896

i can't believe isayama took this trio from us..

213 1148

fandom: "ay no isayama porque haces un final disney y eren pierde 😭😭😭 ya se volvió un shonen generico"
el final disney:

85 733

eren was also a slave to his dream. his dream of seeking freedom. and that as long as he lives, he'll never be freed from it. for a wise man once said, "only in death is there liberation". and who released eren from his shackles? mikasa did.

124 764

See you later literally means « go and come back safely » he will come back to her. And Ymir is smiling. Also the fact Mikasa knew directly Eren is in the titan’s mouth is weird tho

95 803

banda acabo de leer el capitulo 138 de shingeki y solo puedo decir que ellos entregaron sus corazones hasta el final , ambos fueron personajes muy buenos y de mis favoritos y espero que puedan encontrarse con sasha y vuelvan a estar juntos donde sea q esten🥺💞

3 19

Fue uno de los mejores momentos del capítulo💔.

264 1771

– mikasa ackerman realmente foi necrofila após beijar a cabeça decapitada de eren jeager?–

70 215

In the 2nd ending of snk we can see Mikasa next to a praying mantis known to cut off the male's head (Eren)
Isayama is a genius !

173 1757

Mikasa and Eren as Salomé and Lokanaan.

8 39

I chose violence and looked at the leaks now I’m suffering

4 29

мне одной кажется эта сцена максимально странной? Девушка целует отрубленную голову недо-бойфренда, позади пялит древний, как мир, шиппер, И ВСЕ ЭТО В ПАСТИ ТИТАНА.

0 42

"Esse é o adeus ao garoto que um dia quis buscar a liberdade."

1 25