Laurie Doran from Philadelphia with a little digital art via Yes, I was drowning, this is what the beginning of the year looks like right?

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A1: I’m no longer in a class but I’ve created a lot of black and white photos of my clean cars! Ha ha.

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A few of our 8th grade student ADMIRE portraits. Working from a photograph, they created digital art of someone they admired on iPad. Can’t wait to publish the entire collection.

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4 variations of using shape stencils and colouring using Sketches. Top left = airbrush / top right = pixelated, bottom left = paint blocks / bottom right = dry brush.

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Making talk with She is of course reading the Picture of Dorian Gray!

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Had my 1st year students create prototypes of their keyring project out of cardboard. Then in they had to add an image of their 3 different prototypes and talk about the pros and cons of their design.

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When you allow an artist access to your and they get really

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Using to create Glyphs that can be included in an app Tab Bar Controller, looking forward to developing this further in the classroom

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I doodled some clouds. I wanna do it more simply.

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Following my at help me


By completeing this short 2 question survey!

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Soo late to the party with !! Everything I’ve been waiting for with on the iPad which hasn’t come.

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A Dynamic Conference you can attend from anywhere with an internet connection...for FREE. July 31st-August 2nd. Amazing presenters. Diverse Session Topics. Did we mention it was free?

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The ability to create my own vector shapes in has allowed me to transform resources

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On the working on a cool project! Here’s a sneak peak 👇

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Catching up on last nights which I sadly missed. I ❤️sketching. Here are my first 4 tasks. Perfect end of year reflection.

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robot warrior design ideas created by year 8 today. We are all busy planning our STEAM day with year 5 in June. Students designed their warriors using the iPad and

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Finished product of one of our students Te Reo books. She completed it all in This will now be published to to support the working of her Te Reo reading at home.

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Year 8 Digital Designers produced amazing work last night using and the iPad. Students created geometric animals ready to print and place into picture frames

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