My son is in this phase( is it a phase?) where he just wants to give and get hugs!

397 2205

Fine humor is like fine wine,
you need to be a connoisseur to fully appreciate it.

78 388

Twilight Avenue.
My third cover for the New Yorker.

I'm pretty darn excited about this.
Thanks to Francoise Mouly, Peter de Seve, Malika Favre, Jordi Lafebre, Istvan Banyai and mainly, to my wife!

148 1085

The simple things

Enjoying simple things is so hard.
We talk about doing it all the time, but it's rare that we get to do it.

124 683

Oooops, I think my towel slipped.

68 844

Random sketches done on the plane on my way back( I was traveling for a bit there)

73 607

Lazy Saturday sketch.
I’m feeling like I don’t want to push too hard right now... just enjoying the day, you know?

44 349

Random iPad sketches done while watching tv!

20 205

Bunch of images fro when my kids were tiny little human beings.

127 910

Think Faster!
I just really like drawing multiple characters doing silly things. And since this happens all the time at home, except for the part where they go to bed without fussing, I figured, why not?

23 205

Think Fast.
I threw my back over the weekend.
Must've been all the work around the house I was doing.

35 314

AH! Some fun Marvel pieces from a few years ago!! I guess I really like drawing the Hulk and Wolverine!

125 623