Михойо ну не мне же вам напоминать какие теги вы забыли 🙄🙄

10 118

Люблю выходные, наконец смогла дорисовать их 🤭

33 283

ー Rilmazafone (リスミー, Rhythmy, previously known as 450191-S) is a water-soluble benzodiazepine prodrug developed in Japan. It has sedative and hypnotic effects. Rilmazafone induces impairment of motor function and has hypnotic properties.

57 150

バンド〔Benzol〕(ベンツォール)に所属、ロゴデザインは【 】りゅうせんさんです!

3 10

ตอนนี้ครอบครัว Benzo มี 4 คนละ


8 17

Happy Birthday!🐺🌩️

2137 10306

Cute white haired boys 🔥🐺

(Y casualmente hoy es el cumpleaños de Razor, no lo recordaba la verdad😂)

52 409

Yall... Meet benzo. This here is my other dragon that's unheard of. Lovely, isn't he?

Art is by a good friend of mine

2 10

Almost forgot to share with you my Razor concept (modern au)!

This pic&many other are available on my patreon early access. You can be the first to see everything and to have an exclusive content https://t.co/Voa3i3zkLo 🤗

34 277

- Всё будет хорошо.
спасибо за идею !!

27 283

Слов нет одни эмоции

78 799