Day 24 of ion is SONG! Music is an amazing tool.. it’s an instant get out of your own head anxiety helper and for me an essential part of my little bubble and self care routine!

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Day 22 of ion is SMALL STEPS! This is one I need to work on. I tend to think about EVERYTHING I need to do and EVERYWHERE I’m not.. it’s silly, it’s overwhelming and completely unachievable. Small steps and we’ll get there!

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Day 21 of ion is TALK! How often do people say “you alright?” as they rush past before you’ve even had a chance to open your mouth! Lets check on the people we love.. and get ready to really talk and even better REALLY listen!

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Day 20 of ion is LETTER.. I love letters, I used to write the craziest ones filled with doodles and all kinds of random nonsense.... if I could write a letter to my old self it would say....

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Day 19 of ion is FUNNY MEMORY... well so so many of these star Dad in a major role .My heart broke when I lost my Dad but these are the things that get me through and these are the moments I’m forever grateful for!

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Day 18 of ion is SOCIAL.. well I suffered with social anxiety for most of my life. Not helped by controlling relationships with fear feeders. Then a couple of years ago I turned a corner.. I had to do it alone and guess what? I flippin did it.

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Day 17 of ion is create.. I believe in creating yourself.. your own happiness, your own little world, being your own sunshine and rainbows.. it’s going to rub off into others then and that’s gotta be a good thing to spread around!

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Day 16 of ion is TREASURE! I’m a complete nature womble.. my pockets are always filled with nature’s treasures because I’m fascinated by saving a fallen flower, grabbing the first conker of the season, finding a magical hag stone!

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Day 15 of ion is KINDNESS! Kindness is free so get throwing that good stuff around! Give someone a compliment.. don’t be shy.. tell them! Share your sunshine because the smile you give out comes back to you!

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Day 14 of ion is SQUAD! Well for the crazy star girl that fell from the skies and never quite understood where she fit in... this is a tricky one. If I’m honest I’m a loner, I wander about fascinated with what I see and collect moments.

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Day 13 of ion is DOODLE! Doodling is my therapy.. I always felt like a cartoon girl in a real world and that hasn’t changed one bit.. doodling helps me express my feelings and I love when my doodles touch others too 💕

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Day 12 of ion is ANIMALS.. I adore animals, all of them. In general I much prefer animal to people.. if I go to a party and there’s an animal there, well we’re gonna be hanging out.

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Day 11 of ion is ENCOURAGE! When we share our truth, our fears, our passions we can encourage others to do the same.. and be a lighthouse in someone else’s storm!

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Day 10 of ion is laughter is said to be contagious... laughter is the best medicine! I just love how laughter sounds like a cure for itself.. something like that just HAS to be good! It’s my sense of humour that has got me through tough times!

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Day 8 of ion is RECHARGE! I run on nervous energy so I literally don’t stop until I drop... Then I’m the queen of napping... my rainbow brain battery needs a boost and my heart and soul battery needs a top up too.

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I’ve learnt so much.... and I’m ready to learn so much more Day 8 of ion is LEARN..

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Day 4 of ion is SNUGGLE! And although I’m not the most touchy feely hug bug with humans.... I flippin LOVE to cuddle up to animals. And I just LOVE to get under a blanket and snuggle with my bestie.... 💕

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day 3 for anyone needing a boost! This ones for you, YOU ARE AWESOME!

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