Oleander: "*After the duo crash into a tree a second time. He blows up and talks in a deep voice* Oh, Rapzutin, WHY?!"
Another frame from this classic and hilarious scene and this time Oleander has a pog mouth because why not? :)
Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School

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*Raz walks fred and helps him cross the road. Oleander watches in awe- with the most cursed face and starts to look creepy.*
Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.

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*The trio (Oleander, Raz, and Benny) crash through a costume store. Oleander has a Bunny version of Jason, Benny is a chef, and Raz is a monkey. They scream*
Based on Spongebob Season 6 Episode Boating Buddies.
Likes and retweets are appreciated (I don't hate this episode lol)

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Redrew some frame "Oh, Spongebob, why?". I really want Season 13 to have more boating school episodes and Mrs. Puff wearing her helmet in the test. I hope we see more soon :)

Likes and Retweets are appreciated.

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Oleander: "*Eats the apple in one bite* Let's get this over with...Takes a big deep breath/inhale and exhales big* What's the first thing you do? *Makes a bad dodging pose*"
Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.

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As they are going through the Test Track/Basic Braining Test Course, and Dogen gives Raz the answers, Coach Oleander is wiring down Raz' performance. He looks impressed. What a happy boi! :) Awwww :) Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.

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Raz: "I'm Cheating!? Coach Oleander!"
Oleander: "Yes, My star pupil?"
Raz: "I think, I'm cheating."
Oleander: "What's that dear?"
Oleander: "You-You let go of the wheel."
Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.

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A cursed screen cap from Boating School, I found another really really really funny looking one, this had before Oleander face forward and he looks weird. Raz looks scared lol >:) Based on Spongebob Season 1 episode boating School.

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Boating on the lake

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Some other cursed screenshot drawing of Boating School. Oleander be cursed here. Too happy. Lol Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.

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This weekend is the start of boating season for my family! Meet Boating Frog he's a natural in or on the water. https://t.co/n3B2FVDbnk I'm going to do something super special for Stay tuned!

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*Oleander steps into the tank and sits there with that bored annoyed look on his face. Raz stares at him, smiling, ready to go, but then dogen from the walkie talkie under his hat, starts to talk*
Dogen: "Give him the apple."
Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.

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Oleander: "Oh! Gracious! Oh! Gracious! Oh ahahahahahah! *Turns to Raz* We haven't crashed yet!!!"
Oleander has a POG mouth here, but he's also trying to smile and the combo looks cursed, but very Poggers, lol >:) Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.

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Dogen (On Walkie Talkie and using a telescope): "Ok, you're coming to your first turn..."
Oleander: "Oh no! First turn! Please tell me you know what to do at the first turn?!"
Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.

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Oleander: “You-You’ve let go of the wheel…”
Raz: “I do have an antenna under my hat! There is a guy giving me all the answers! It’s all true! I’m cheating! I’m Cheating! I’m cheating!”
Based on Season 1 Episode Boating School.

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Benny: "Razputin!!! Give me that wheel!!!"
Raz: "I got it!"
*The two argue and break the steering wheel of the tank*
Benny: "Just let go of it!"
Oleander: "Oohooho..."
Based on Spongebob Season 6 Episode Boating Buddies.
(This is an overhated episode imo)

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Another Cursed redraw of a scene from Boating School. Oleander and Raz sideways in the tank. The tank is also not in the direction of the course, which is odd. Raz' face from the side with the eye sticking out is lol, cursed, and creepy. Oleander as much.

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Oleander: "*looks at Raz sort of titled diagonally* No. No. The first thing is to start the tank."
Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.

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Oleander: "The tank?! You started the tank?!"
Raz: "Well...I think so..."
Oleander: "Oh...well...uhh...What's the second thing you do?"
Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.

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Dogen: "*On walkie Talkie* Give him the apple."
Raz: "Here you go, sir."
Oleander: "*Eats the apple in one bite* Let's get this over with..."
Based on Spongebob Season 1 Episode Boating School.

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