Great finale to last night, Drawing Life workshop by Gemma Anderson at FarGo Village Print Manufactory. Co-creating evolving morphologies on paper..

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Hey ! The three LIVE streams that I mentioned are the and . They are all exploring new areas of the deep sea now and you can join in the fun! Be sure to check them out for action like this octopus!

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mario level: F3Q-BDV-BSF

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New OC Jaylen Love West or “Jay Love” (named after my bsf)

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NB-11BSF is a stealth fighter variant of NB-11BA attacker equipped with a silenced pistol and flying armor

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芹沢ジェイソンさんの「プリキュアスカイハイ‼︎ 」より、あさひちゃんと拙作「BSF」の飛鳥との、読書コラボです。

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