I could easily see Tigra and Ivy teaming up to take down wildlife (big cat) abusers and traffickers, yes.

Here's art of them together by Shaun Riaz

but honestly I don't think the world is ready for this overwhelming level of sexy in a single comic...

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(This is your reminder Ubisoft housed and protected sexual abusers for years, and hasn't made improvements according to its employees.)

For example, here's the Nightmare Pack in AC: Origins, a singleplayer game. How much would you pay to own these skins?

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what the fuck is attractive about him? nothing. absolutely nothing. he is the most disgusting creature i have ever laid my eyes upon. he probably has eye boogers. and hes a literal psychological abuser and master manipulator. even if he wasnt shitty hes still ugly as FUCK!

6 19

What is with both of these dudes having a billion concubines and children with tons of different women, but then the one they "supposedly loved" (despite being horrible to them) dies and suddenly they act like their lives are over.

My brothers in Christ *you* were the abusers.

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// religious imagery

that awkward moment when the god you worship and your abuser have the same face 😳🤣

7 19

so the child/wife abuser (who only got married and had children for the sole purpose of producing a “hero”) gets a redemption arc but the victim of his abuse is irredeemable and undeserving of justice?

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🐺 Lyra Calloux 🐺

Member of the Pack nest in recent years. Another survivor of Micas past abuser and nearly a sister to the beast once she joins the Pack Nest
Also enjoys fucking with Boris, JUST like a little sister.😂
Also almost always has her winter coat- it helps her cope.

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My asexual tiefling I’m building to surprise my bf with (art by @/GrimEcho and @/Nekrokat) I’m thinking bard but idk yet, long term project and all that. Dunno when I’ll gather the courage to join another campaign after the last one when i got murderhobo’d by my abuser.

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I regret to inform you all that telling victims of predators that you support them and want to help them get away from their abusers makes you also a predator because how dare you want to speak to children

Yes, people think that and are trying to call me a pedo.
Twitter is ass

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If abusers do not learn through punitive measures against their acts of violence and are celebrated? How do survivors of childhood trauma find any healing? Flash back: “you made me punish you “and “ it’s your fault “ “ I do this out of love” left feeling lost

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I think I'm in this category & I apologize. Reason (no need to feel bad, just explaining) most days I can't even function, I never learned how to do relationships, was groomed to only accept ones with abusers as parasites. So for just not say things for a long periods, I'm sorry.

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The song is written and the music is being composed. This is Dollie’s abuser

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I do not support my abuser & ex boyfriend / . and I do not need people to tell me that I should support him or need to stay silent to protect his image. Fuck his image. Our relationship wasnt important to him. So why do I need to care about his fucking image?

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pq faire du painting quand jpeux juste abuser du blender sur mon sketch🥴

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Sure! Theyve made multiple videos painting people with narcissistic disorders as born abusers, this is so incredibly wrong and harmful and causes stigma around people suffering because of NPD. I was personally friends with someone with NPD +

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Yurkazara (Diamond), being gay in the 80s, people acusing him of being either a pedo or a child abuser, citizens suspect that he had an involvement for Rose (personal rp) attempted association, and the associations of Jesica (Diamond) and Pavel Diamond

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he's the most prominent one, his name is aeon and he's a fucked up abuser who is totally not based on shit i went through :)
i don't really make villains that much, just antagonists if that makes sense

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