That ships already sailed and that 'fate' you keep goin on & on about still aint nowhere near happening so atp I'm tired of you talking about it. Momo went from ominous figure to annoying fly buzzing in your ear. His plans already been foiled by a kid nobody takes him seriously.

0 1

Gm! Anyone still buzzing from the vibes on the daddy chill spaces last night??

0 22

- the patient suddenly jumps up;
- a calm state turns into a panic attack;
- disorderly running in different directions;
- noise and buzzing in the ears.
From time to time he looks up, after which the symptoms only worsen.

71 498

"Sunk in the turgid muck
I keel and squat in foot long thrusts
Toward the only place I feel no shame,
Or bidden by the buzzing stare
That cuts across the surface of the stagnant swamp."

0 1

I decided to finally draw the original character idea I've had buzzing around in my head... In a swimsuit cause summer and why not 👙🌊 I'm thinking her name is Yira 🤔

2 11

It’s been fascinating watching how colors change from time to time when I plein air paint. My muted palette retreats these evenings on the river, and the colors are BIG, and feel like the hot summer that is buzzing around me.

Thank you summer, for being your vibrant, muggy self

0 0

This Sunday, August 14, Desert Island Discworld returns!

Join Al Kennedy as he talks to coloratura soprano and TTRPG streamer Kelli Butler aka about buzzing eyeballs, spitting on your coworkers and the 34th Discworld novel, Thud!

16 85

😈 Let's roll out another giveaway 😈

be buzzing right now

🤡 NFT clowns 🤡

To enter:
Follow &
Like & RT
Tag 2 🤡

48 hours

Always quote tweet with proof ☑️

84 85

*Brain buzzing intensifies*

0 3

VERY much a wip but so buzzing getting back into my fav Warcry warband. Could never get the skin looking how I want it but feel like I’m finally getting there with it !

0 7

I'm buzzing over my first ever 1/1. Uploading the video to YT as we speak, what perfect timing. Anyone else ready to mint some Argonauts?! I'm hoping to get a mystery pill (first mint milestone) and a galaxy Argonaut myself.

13 60


It was as though her entire being were enveloped in Loid’s warm, protective energy ; it was no wonder she was struggling to think straight𓈒

Buzzing with adrenaline, twin crimsons peered beyond the arch, then flitted behind them𓈒


0 0

"Th-this buzzing in my ears... and those enticing colours... M-Must resist... But..."

"C-can't stop... must watch... must.. obey.. Must listen.. and obey...."

34 207

✨ with commishies in 3 days, your probably wondering what ive been buzzing about with 'change'. id like to make a small thread explaining some feelings and business directions ill be taking! 🌸📝

8 28

🌞Our Summer Design School is buzzing with creativity!

➡️ Find out more and get signed up for the fun via

Designs by .jay_art,
gn and igns

0 2

Origanum vulgare, Wild Marjoram, is almost ubiquitous on N. Yorks verges, in flower June–Sept, & buzzing with pollinators. It also supports nearly 50 other invert species as a larval host, including 28 species of Lepidoptera.
By Amédée Masclef, Atlas des plantes de France. 1891

59 296

WOW! Buzzing with excitement over everyones’ insightful comments. Thank you Sarah Heaton for choosing my subversive story. Thank you , , , , , and for your critique.

2 27

I'm still buzzing from how lively today was but I must get rest.

Thanks everyone for helping me spread some good vibes today! I'm also stunned cos I realised I'm less than 50 followers away from 600 😭💙

I couldn't do it without you guys. You're awesome 💙 Good night!

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