Amazing Troopers, designed by Carmelo Nazario for Reckoning a scifi project where you can actually download and models and scenes yourself. With immersive 3D panels to zoom around in - The future of comics

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Amazing Troopers, designed by Carmelo Nzario for Reckoning a scifi project where you can actually download and models and scenes yourself. With immersive 3D panels to zoom around in - The future of comics

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Amazing Troopers, designed by Carmelo Nzario for Reckoning a scifi project where you can actually download and models and scenes yourself. With immersive 3D panels to zoom around in - The future of comics

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Amazing Troopers, designed by Carmelo Nzario for Reckoning a scifi project where you can actually download and models and scenes yourself. With immersive 3D panels to zoom around in - The future of comics

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Con el filtro de snapchat nos hemos montado una historia en la que todos "están" enamorados de Marta pero es solo una tapadera bc realmente son todos maricones

as Carmelo roso🦜
as Ano bolon 🐱
as Marta 🥺
Yo as Escupotalbo 🐸

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Carmelo, um guerreiro que morreu e foi ressuscitado por forças misteriosas, agora ele está à procura de quem o reviveu.

se forem desenhar pfvr me marquem quero ver os desenhos de vcs tudo

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"Talent works, genius creates." Robert Schumann

Artist, Carmelo Blandino

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Santa Maria del Carmelo and Scuola Grande dei Carmini, 1910

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Finalmente in italiano Le Cronache di Under York, edito da . Il fumetto scritto da Sylvain Runberg, è disegnato dalla nostra ex allieva per , ed è inchiostrato dal nostro ex allievo Carmelo Zagaria. Colori di Piky G. S. Hamilton.

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Georg Frideric Händel: "Vespro per la Madonna del Carmelo" Dixit Dominus (Mov 7-8)

by Josef Bosáček

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“Flos Carmeli, vitis florigera, splendor coeli, Virgo puerpera, singularis.

Mater mitis, sed viri nescia, carmelitis esto propitia, stella maris.”

Madonna del Carmelo

Auguri di buon onomastico a chi si chiama Carmen/Carmine Carmelo/a


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¡Oh Virgen Santísima Inmaculada, belleza y esplendor del Carmen! Tú, que miras con ojos de particular bondad al que viste tu bendito Escapulario, mírame benignamente y cúbreme con el manto de tu maternal protección.

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I've decided the 2nd gym in Qamor will now have 2 gym leaders to better justify why the leader has 2 aces. So introducing Callie's little brother, Carmelo! Defeat these fire type specialist to get the Dark Roast Badge!

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Santa Maria del Carmelo and Scuola Grande dei Carmini, 1910

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I always forget to post here bc I can't remember any other platform except Instagram exists lol anyway have a carmelo and my Mitsukou AU

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Santa Maria del Carmelo and Scuola Grande dei Carmini, 1910

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