Some of the first urban warfare in Americn history had taken place during the crossing, as Union infantry rowed across the river and went house to house clearing out confederate sharpshooters. Much of the town was then flattened by Union artillery.

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Herron used his artillery to great effect, disabling most of the confederate guns and using it effectively against rebel attacks. Hearing the sounds of the battle, Blunt ordered his wing to march to the sound, led by the 11th Kansas Volunteer Infantry under Colonel Thomas Ewing.

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6 December 1889. Jefferson Davis died (aged 81). He was the first and only president of the US Confederate States from 1861 to 1865. As a Democrat, he had represented Mississippi in the US Senate and the House of Representatives before the American Civil War began.

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Both sides attacked and counter-attacked, but ultimately the larger Union force forced the confederates to withdraw. Kilpatrick then ordered the bridges over Brier Creek burned, helping to protect the flank of General Sherman on his March to the Sea.

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While he was successful in pushing back Marmaduke, Blunt’s advance left his command exposed, isolated from supporting Union troops. This prompted further confederate attacks, leading to the much larger Battle of Prairie Grove a week later.

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Okay, you know that SECRET I've been reading for a few months well, this is it.

and I have been working on a retelling of John Carter... One where John fought AGAINST the Confederates intead of for them. We're very excited to start sharing it!

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When the Army was surrendered to General William T. Sherman by its final commander, Joseph Johnston, on April 26, 1865, it became the last major field command of the confederate army to surrender.

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The Siege of Knoxville, TN began in 1863 when General Ambrose Burnside’s Army of the Ohio took up defensive positions inside the city, which confederate James Longstreet then surrounded with veteran corps.

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The engagement was part of Longstreet’s Knoxville Campaign, his only independent command during the war. Intended to occupy Knoxville’s rail junction as a means of connecting the confederate armies in the East and West, it failed when Longstreet could not dislodge Burnside.

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On this day in 1861, the United States risks war with Great Britain as a boarding party from an American warship removes Confederate diplomats from the Royal Mail Ship Trent. London responds by sending troops to Canada. For more, click:

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The strategy worked. Most of the confederate cannon were disabled, leading Drayton to order the forts evacuated. Landing parties occupied the forts and raised the U.S. flag. It was a relatively bloodless operation given its size, with only 19 combined men killed on both sides.

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During the Forrest fought against the United States, commanding confederate cavalry in the western theater. He was responsible for the infamous Fort Pillow massacre, in which his men murdered hundreds of unarmed, surrendering black soldiers of the .

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On this day in 1864, Confederate raiders riding out of Canada rob a bank in St. Albans, Vermont. It's the northernmost land action of the U.S. Civil War.

(Sorry, Schrute Farms)

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Leonidas Polk, commanding Bragg’s right wing, ordered his men forward mid-afternoon. After an initial standstill and heavy casualties on both sides, the Union line began to give way. They re-grouped at a series of hills and ridges, eventually halting the confederate advance.

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Some days I question if I'm good enough, yesterday was not one of those days. Here is the most recent page from my new comic Usually I only share full pages on my , but this one I'm too proud of not to share!

See more here:

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The Confederate Ghost that's followed my family for 20 years and has tried to kill us multiple times

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30 Sept 1648: James Butler Marquess of lands in to begin negotiations with the Confederate Catholics of (NPG/NLI)

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Warren’s initial attack, led by General Charles Griffin’s division, was successful, capturing Fort Archer before Warren ordered a halt to regroup. Confederate counterattacks followed for much of the next two days, but the U.S. held the position and extended their siege lines.

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The confederate Army of Tennessee under Braxton Bragg occupied the hills around , TN in 1863. They had chased General William Rosecrans’ Union Army of the Cumberland northward after defeating them at the Battle of .

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