Played through and decided to draw my detective. Despite being a cop, he's a very nice and caring man. He also has major dad energy, despite not having a kid... unless you count Douglas...

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this is a crossover between metalgirl and robocop, i hope one day made a comic of these characters

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Good cop, bad cop, and undercover cop

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Some long overdue fanart for everybody's favorite disaster cop, from

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Who’s the super cool cop, that always gets the bad guys? Egg Boooooy (that’s me, yeah).

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If you still think that Gavin is a fluffy innocent cop, then think again~ (╹◡╹)

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Hey! I just recently started to expand my horizons with art. Im a lesbian artist who loves drawing Critical Role fanart (especially Beauyasha) and other stuff! I also love Moomin, WoW (SYLVAINA,) Petscop, Earthbound, SCPs, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, and Maplestory!

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The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil

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Hey guys! Some help here.
A have a character who was a cop, no reason really, just the concept I came up with in character development
Goes without saying that I’ve retired him- maybe a year+ ago?
Thing is he meant a lot to me and I want to bring him back. Help me revamp him?💕

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Seguim mostrant-vos el nostre fons de digitalitzat! Aquest cop, la selecció que presenta el està centrada en la indumentària històrica del món del teatre i la dansa. Els podeu fullejar online i també descarregar!

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i can't stand toph. loathe, in fact. the closest thing she did to good was this... (her daughter, who happens to be a cop, the other kid was a spoiled rich bitch just like mom)

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Me llegan mds de gente que pone "quiero dibujar PERO tengo un mal pc" "quiero dibujar PERO no tengo tableta" etc, etc.. Les presento mi compu, lo llamo Robocop, llevo añossss usándola y ahí hago mis dibujos, dejen de poner peros y busquen soluciones.

Mi portatil / Mis dibujos

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got blocked by the cop, this is poggers.

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In the immortal words of Dick Jones (Robocop, 1987) 'Good business is where you find it' and 391 years earlier this was still the case as Tyrone and his allies were 'furnished with munition and implements of war even by the merchants of every town in this kingdom'

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Celcia Finetta
Womanarchist - Bad Cop, Bad Cop

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Scramble!! Dashing and daring, courageous and caring, heroic Decepticon Breakdown engages in servo to servo combat to the tuneless whistling of the uptight evil Autobot bike cop, Groove! 🚨🚨🚨 Neither areoplane nor helicopter colored by

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if y’all are on instagram, you like t shirts, and you’re not a cop, follow me and ’s new venture @/snakexinxmyxboot! drew this lil logo for us 🐍👢

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【RT希望】けもケット9で頒布予定していた市川のけもの漫画「もっとあぶないけもの刑事」(C97既刊です)現在通販受付中。どうぞ宜しくお願いしま-す♪ KAZ's furry, anthro manga, "DANGEROUS 'KEMONO' COP, MORE!!" Now available for mail order. 🐯🐺

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