Order or chaos, angel or demon - all empires crumble the same way.

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Even the outskirts of Illverness are lit by the unnatural light of the Dirth Forge. There is no escaping this reminder of our need to rebel.

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Calvum Harrows has blades of unimaginable allure from every realm.

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The more time he spent in the Mortal Realm, the more fascinated by humanity Death became. Soon, he realized: in the human soul, etherea could find peace and balance.

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Here at the Theater of Memories, you can live the life of any mourner.

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If you don't think you're playing a game, then you are a piece in someone else's.

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I know well the smell of fear, and know best the thrill of the hunt.

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Aloof and ambiguous, the Great Oracle does not often concern herself with matters of the Court. Rather, she chooses to focus on those broken spirits that drift aimlessly across the Land of the Dead.

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Balance… A fickle dance of cold blades and warm blood.

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No man or beast can find a feast as I can find a harvest.

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Shifting form and function in the darkness, the Conclave of Shadows never fails.

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No mask or illusion can protect you from the Conclave of Shadows.

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Mmmm…. You thirst for power, and I’m powered by your thirst….

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When the time comes for the Rebellion… the Underworld will stand UNITED.

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Soulborn or Spiritborn, the mission is the same. RISE. CONQUER. RULE.

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My heart swells for you, darling, and my blood boils… rebellion is coming.

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When the time comes for the Rebellion… the Underworld will stand UNITED.

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