Summary: Haruki, who runs a farm in Hokkaido, encounters a handsome animal photographer, Narumi, from Tokyo. Having no place to stay, Haruki offers his place but being purely cultivated in the countryside, he becomes wary of Narumi who is trying to close the distance!?

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I wish you all the desired share of enlightenment through the grand capacity of your chosen vessel.

Meditate through art - A journey of Enlightenment - to cultivate your imagination and refresh your spirit.

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The Deep Dwarfs after being sealed off from the surface cultivated many different kind of mushrooms. These are used for food, building materials, and even tatoos.

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I wish you all the desired share of enlightenment through the grand capacity of your chosen vessel.

Meditate through art - A journey of Enlightenment - to cultivate your imagination and refresh your spirit.

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"Cultivated Illusion" 20 editions / ◎ 0.2

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New drop on Solana is live now!

Another Fauvism piece available in multiple editions ⚡️

"Cultivated Illusion"
20/20 - ◎ 0.2


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Primary Dance - When we know all the steps and are in tune with the music, every movement arrives effortlessly in its rightful places.

Meditate through art to cultivate your imagination and soothe your soul.

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pov: you’re bread that cultivated ur gremlin energy for years and finally developed arms and legs

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I wish you all the desired share of enlightenment through the grand capacity of your chosen vessel.

Meditate through art - A journey of Enlightenment - to cultivate your imagination and refresh your spirit.

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[D-7 🦖]

The little dino spent his time to cultivate and grow,

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I wish you all the desired share of enlightenment through the grand capacity of your chosen vessel.

Meditate through art - A journey of Enlightenment - to cultivate your imagination and refresh your spirit.

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I wish you all the desired share of enlightenment through the grand capacity of your chosen vessel.

Meditate through art - A journey of Enlightenment - to cultivate your imagination and refresh your spirit.

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somehow i've cultivated a discord that just slanders me all day ever day

1 12

I wish you all the desired share of enlightenment through the grand capacity of your chosen vessel.

Meditate through art - A journey of Enlightenment - to cultivate your imagination and refresh your spirit.

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Ready to cultivate generational WOOLTH


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Spiritual growth is the process of connecting with your inner being and consciousness, it will help you to cultivate your inner life and bring inner grace.
0.6 ETH

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I'll pull out the classic fen, according to the history books (whatever I wrote on toyhouse like 3 years ago) this guy was made 2 stop some sorta disaster but was found in an abandoned lab or whatever n cultivated a personality by being around people who found him. loves sonic

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Only 1 week to grab a Tentaskull.
Remainders will be burned at the end of

They are part of me trying to embrace 's 10th guidepost -

Cultivate Laughter, Song, and Dance. And Letting Go of Cool and Always in Control

Art can just be about joy.

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Auction House Will Host an Auction in Singapore for the First Time in 15 Years as the Art Business Seeks to Cultivate New Asian Clientele. Shown below Hendra Gunawan, Fish Market on the Beach (1980)

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Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
The birth flower for 23 July is Plantain Lily.
In the language of flowers, it means 'quiet person, calm, tranquillity, tranquillity of mind, unchanging thoughts'.
It is edible and the young shoots are cultivated and shipped.
Have a nice day🌸

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