Did you see the episode “Scooby-Doo and the Motel Mother Mystery”?
-The Mystery Machine breaks down near a motel where the owner’s odd son has a vacancy…& a strange fascination with his mother.

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New article: "The experimental effects of psilocybin on symptoms of anxiety and depression: A meta-analysis", in Psychiatry Research. Suggests efficacy…need more research. Summarized on PsyPost:

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All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy…Just one bad day.


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みんな げんきで すごしてね!
あと おいしい ごはんも たべてね!


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“Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven! Thus, let us drink beer!” (Martin Luther) WOW ~ Word of the Week ~ Humming Liquor https://t.co/KmrVpPfEg6 https://t.co/Q3RMhBrytX

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A quick picture of Asra from "The Arcana" to try the new tablet and get used to the different size of the drawing area… Nothing fancy… but somehow Asra is impossible to draw. I am currently playing his route and darn… I am torn between him and Julian now…

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"But Trucy… happy, smiling Trucy… she was my light."

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宮玲🍰❤ レイヤー統合してからjuicy…🐶描き忘れたことに気付いた 犬………

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番外編② ぎりぎり今年ではないけど印象が強かったので紹介!

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A runner droid sketch in procreate. Messy is the new clean if you ask me... but only me

, https://t.co/2KRI3eN9tk

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【MOUNT MARKET SUMMER】いか文庫・くらもちあすか・yuiko ashitate・さとうまり・DRIPPING・原田響・yamyam・HELLOAYACHAN・髪とアタシ・聚落社 ・CANDLE LAMBENCY…

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Beautiful Photograph By
Misery Ridge in the Crooked River National Park, Grassland, Oregon by pearlcy…

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