Oh noes he getting the uuuhhh corruption and stuff 😭😭😭😱😱

5 42

Personal headcanon: Garcello and Daddy Dearest were bandmates--and Garcello would often take some of the funds to get more cigarettes.

2 15

Eu tinha feito o desenho e esqueci de botar o pelo, mas o me salvou

1 22


9 36

So Friday Night Funkin' had the audacity to make Daddy Dearest the way he is. I guess you have to suffer now because I made this and variants.

1 21

So I imagine "daddy dearest" in his youth and with all his flow 🎸

8 30

Sometimes you just gotta draw a himbo in his wifes clothes.

2 7

An old when I started playing !! Still loving Daddy Dearest, not gona lie


3 16

i hope this gives off "self portrait villain has of themselves in their mansion/office" vibes

8 28

ah yes the father from the night of funk. (doodle and c..comic..?) gn.

3 16