Day 742: Atrocities in mirror are closer than they appear.

41 65

Solid choice by the Dems to have give the response to the Bigot Whisperer’s SOTU address. It will be refreshing to hear someone give a speech w/o sniffing through the whole thing or barking lies like a truth-allergic German shepherd.

45 113

Why is it that is the one person this Bigot in Bronzer still hasn’t given a 3rd grade nickname to if not the realization one has met their superior?

39 111

Dear Trump team: please keep having this thousand-year-old Gila monster death mask do interviews. He’s doing a bang up job for you. ✌️#trumpshutdown

50 118

For Nathan Phillips, who I hope will be remembered long after these Kentucky Klan Kids recede back with their ideological ancestors to the ash heap of history.

56 162

Your friendly PSA that my book “The Daily Don: All The News That Fits Into Tiny, Tiny Hands” is coming out April 2 and available for preorder now! Treat yourself to some sad laughs!

14 41

Day 719: As long as we’re all paying for a Russian asset’s inability to seal a single deal, we might as well pay for his wall fetish I guess.

21 44

Day 718: Meanwhile, as this asshat asset treats 800K+ federal workers and their families like the contractors who did surprise pro bono work for him...#magaisformorons

42 60

Day 717: When a lifetime of craven criminality is about to catch the fuck up with you with an avalanche of investigations, you gotta play the only card you’ve got and lie through those pinched calamari lips.

53 106

Day 712: In which every cockroach hates the cold light of congressional oversight.

37 72

Repost from last year but pretty much accurate for any point during this toddlerman’s tantrum-y tenure.

34 82

Day 704: In which this gang of shitbirds wrap up another year waging a war on Christmas. And immigrants. Mostly immigrants.

50 101

Heads up! My book ”The Daily Don: All The News That Fits Into Tiny, Tiny Hands” coming out in April 2019 is also now available for preorder. Treat yerself!

15 57

Day 691: Hey sociation I fixed your logo for you. “National” may be part of the name, but to be fair, you never said which nation.

18 49

Day 686: In which “so much winning” is measured by the number of white supremacist weasels jumping ship for higher ground.

24 44

Day 673: Decorum rules from the Pussy Grabbing Administration.

39 76

NEWS! Coming Spring 2019 . . .

14 44

Day 668: Didn’t post this one yesterday; In which a vaguely human heir apparent has her own moment.

12 51

Day 666: In which the Bronze Bigot visits the Golden State to share his cubic zirconia ideas.

53 119

Glad that the First and Fifth Amendments are still things. Kudos to journalism and free speech for the win.

28 83