Damera's husband, Mongrat 😁
Zogrand, druid healer and delicious brioche chef🧡💚
Krusdan, first orc hunter!
Grankro, akronophus monster. Big boi~💜

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You amazing artist! Thank you for the opportunity!🥺💜
My Damera🥰💜
Her favorite color is turquoise.
And my favorite color combinations, are purple and turquoise.🥰

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Congrats 1200 Followers! 🤩💜
My Damera draenei🥺💜

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Khalatix and Virzaa. I have already shown Vrizaa, this is an old picture of her, but this is how I would like to present her daughter, who is half dragon. Kyvrina💜💛
Vemira, Damera's granddaughter😊

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I don't know if the boys can come too.
Mongrat, Damera's husband 😁
Raathan, Evaastra's twins brother.
Venmar is their third child.

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Tharinna, Damera's big sisters. Unholy dk
Hideko and Tetsuko (Dreavnaon, druid). They are also Damera's little sisters and twins. Tetsuko shaman
Hideko's body is full of tattoos, but I haven't had time to design them yet😭 Monk
And Nuray, the youngest girl sister 😊 Hunter

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Damera, my main draenei🥰 retri paladin
Evaastra, Damera's daughter💚hunter
Felabra and Tirna, mother and daughter. Disc priest and frost mage
Virzaa, beautiful mother priest~💛

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My Damera in modern clothing. She would be a real businesswoman and diplomat.😁
Her favorite color is turquoise. The belt buckle is the family coat of arms.

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Hiya, I'm Christie, and I'm an Australian artist who paints fantasy characters and works with fun colours! I also do commission work, and personal work with my OCs and comic concept.

Thank you for the tag Damera ^-^

I'll tag to chime in!

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Thank you!🥰Damera Crystmon my main OC.
Turquoise is her favorite color. Loving wife and mother.💜

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My Damera draenei~
Diplomat, warrior (paladin), wife and mother.🥺💜💜💜

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