Kiara but every day she gets another hat - Day 35

ARS GOETIA FACT: In demonology, the demon Barbatos (meaning "bearded") can speak to animals, reconcile friends, and lead people to hidden treasures.

Also, GSSR in two days eeeeee

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promo me i'll be ur enby lesbian anime and art mutual
I physically can't shut up bout puyo puyo, demonology, and Cookie Run

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Vydania Vestrir, my astrologian, tarot reading, wine enthusiast lady!
She has learned demonology to survive during the siege of the fel invaders, and managed to help the resistance. Nowadays she chills in Suramar with her succubus assistant 💜
(art by me, 3D art by LadyZomkie)

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Kathin Penn is a no-good nasty girl that studied demonology in secret and as a result never drank from the moonwell. A little feral but otherwise very talented.

( Art by Moldroach )

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106 - Demonology 101

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If there's demonology its on sight.

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Häxan (1922) is a silent film exploring the history of witchcraft, demonology and satanism. It presents a variety of ancient artwork, with scenes illustrating a number of superstitious practices, and the persecution of a woman accused of witchcraft.

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today's repost is gnome demonology

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Better the devil you know than the one who doesn’t know you!
This guy is in for a looooong night of research. Thankfully he’s got an assistant?

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DAY9: “Demonology”. I chose familiar. I know we started off with Witchsona, but I wanted another crack at a witch and her “cat”. Wanted to really bring the spooky and horror... (also all the demons were boring me. Haha)

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This is Beeldoct my demonology warlock 💜

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Although Maeve's specialty is potions, she has always been interested in dark arts and demonology. And well, she tried.

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13. Скарбник
Чортик, який охороняє нечисті скарби. Вірять, що раз на сім років закопані та закляті скарби пересушуються й горять. Взяти їх може лише той, кому вони призначаються, инакше скарби перетворяться у гадюк або черепки

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In an alternate timeline, Hysterium learns demonology and summons a helldrake to observe.

needs to be examined further (and does really good art)

341 1486

witchsona yooo
didn't wanna just make a boring elf so take a monster instead
they like making their abominations look like cats, dealing with cat beasts, and demonology :)
perhaps they would consider themselves a warlock, an edgelord

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Watched Vampyr (1932) the classic early horror film that feels like a fever dream concerning occultism, demonology and vampirism. Directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer based on Sheridan Le Fanu's In a Glass Darkly it features some of the greatest imagery put to early horror cinema👍

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New Episode!🎃
153. The Society Arcana: Demonology

This week, Jeff and Aaron talk about writing Demons in fantasy!

What defines a Demon in the world of AMFC? Let's also find out how one may become one...

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Research proves that the Monday Mood existed back in the 18th Century
From a rare illustrated book on demonology and magic of the age of Enlightenment 1766-1775

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12. Потерчата
Душі нехрещених або померлих при народженні дітей. Потягом 7-ми років ходять по землі і просять дати їм ім'я та пожаліти їхню душу, тоді потерча перетвориться на янгола

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