画質 高画質

The love of my life agreed to allow me to help him design his official fursona. Out with the panda and in with the barn owl!!! Name TBD.

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coquina clam fursona. body is a giant modified foot and the "hair" are the bivalves

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🎄 Christmas Blashie ! 🎄

A gift for my lovely BF ❤️ ! from his cute fursona. hope you like it fattie ~ x3

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Made a new character again. I think I might make this my new fursona. Because I can't seem to find one that sticks. This one looks a lot more like me tho.

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chip! aka just my fursona. he isn't an oc but I want him to interact with my ocs so hehe here he is. he's ourple 😊

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cw // nude models

Finally this boy has a model sheet. With the height difference with Scitty--
The character's name is Dan Dee (pronounced Don Dee) and he's Dandy's fursona.

I needed a good ref for something I'm working on

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New Top post on r/furry: Meet Lucido! She is my fursona. Feel free to ask her any questions! by Lucidoiscool
Link to post: https://t.co/VlY53TnYue

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First off, dragons are dope! Secondly, here’s yet another person with one of my favorite color combos, purple/light blue. Also, that button up shirt looks almost like one my fursona wears so like, that’s probably my favorite thing about your fursona.

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I forgot about this lol. My little sister asked me to make her a fursona...

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i was told i need to make a ref of my fursona. here she is. Deirdre. non traditional Jackalope.

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OLD old art of Shaya, when I was trying to make her my fursona.

(Then, I became Pony Trash, so we're going to skip over all of that lmfao)

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Ok e aqui está o meu fursona. Ah,só pra avisar,você sabe como é o corpo inteiro, né? Que nem o meu Oc de humano que sempre veste a roupa preta. Então tenha um ótimo filme para assistir. 👍

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Made a badge for my baby fursona.

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It’s official. I’m a furry artist. Anyway here’s my Fursona. My little Yippee 🦭

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⇢ 🥩「 Zophiel, el arcangel caído.

❥ Pues, despues de muchos diseños y constantes cambios de animales, puedo decir que oficialmente el es mi fursona.

Yes, estoy en el furry fandom ✨

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I would like to properly introduce, Dagaz, the Dawn of Day. My new fluffy dragon fursona. I will still always be Nikita, but dual fursonas have always worked for me. They/them, Dragon, Die-Ga-z, already have a few more works of them once I have actual time.

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mmm working on concepts for an orange themed fursona.. another collie of course since i am weak to them it seems

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its been a couple years since ive done one of these. i love my fursona. he is so important to me.

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Hace mucho que no dibujo a mi fursona... si.. tengo una fursona, pueden hacerme bullying 💀💀💀

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Practice painting of my fursona. Tried a few new techniques.

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