Have you seen Rheyver Lamar? Me either, he rolled a 33 on stealth just now.
My baby boy rogue/cleric, a raven Aasimar! He's had a hard time making it into any campaign without being mocked relentlessly, but I adore him and he's fun to play!

11 25

Cool down sketches vov Jun has some conflict with a very specific group of Warforged who have developed magic that just tears organics apart- and he hasn't found a way to heal these cuts yet.

6 12

New sketches for Aretheia- she's been on the back burner for a long time, but since I've been using Robin and Morgan a lot, I thought I'd give her some attention again.

6 10

Sepida Ito! Leader of the Sheikah monster hunting guild. She just wants a nap and a cough drop tbh.

(Reposting b/c I got her name wrong LMAO)

6 10

Another design I got around to making a ref sheet for! Meet Desma! ...That's all I got for her right now.

7 9

It took me a little too long to get to these raffle prizes but here they are- a chibi for & a micro chibi for !

4 7

Blaise used to be a stained glass masterpiece before he fell- and he used to be close friends with Vincent as well, before Vincent became an asshole.

11 20