🔔🦙Are you READY family? Soon I will publish my first Giveaway and it will be special

🌪️ It won't be the classic contest!

🔥Make sure you are logged into discord, it's a clue!

26 49

The Devil traits are fully delisted. I know why, because they are fckn awesome.

I would tell you to buy one but you can't right now lol.

36 75

What's the difference between a cheeseburger and a BONER???🤣🤣🤣

"Well, you're not giving me a cheeseburger right now!!!!!!"

4 9

Always remember the words of stay calm, accumulate and enjoy the journey, it won't be long, let it do its job, what it promises, it delivers and Degen Sea will be explosive 🔥💥 no doubt 🤫🤫😈😈6️⃣9️⃣🍌🥕🍕🥖

62 109

So, once again I was visiting the Marketplace and saw this innocent looking sitting near the floor 🤷‍♂️ He looked so lonely, like he needed a new home, so I put him in my wallet 😈 I am a 🔥 Are you? 💎🙌

47 108

I think in life it's important to pay attention to the details, because they make the difference, what do these designs have in common? open your eyes 👀👀🤔🤫🔥🙌6️⃣9️⃣

14 33

I'm with and , the deadliest combination in the space, leading the craziest, most passionate community that ever existed or will ever exist in the universe and beyond.

26 54

Won a OG in a space, this in now my 4th OG! Thank you 💚

57 122

One and only is teetering with parabolic . Something is brewing in crazy brilliant mind . I can feel it. Space suit ready!

36 80

Welcome home new ❤️❤️

Cant believe this is my 5th token from ecosystem 🤯

Next target is an OG 🤩


43 78

Thanks so much . Another member of the family and an LFG head. Love him. Hes went to a good home I can promise you that ❤❤

43 99

Still head over heels for this OG ❤️. Picked him up on Valentine’s Day

43 97