I would run away from the hate... but I'm too fat from all my chicken mc nuggets.

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Our leaders choose whom we love and hate... My cartoon perspective

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Our leaders decide who we LOVE and HATE... go figure! cartoon for

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A couple of my unused concept sketches I came across today that I didn't totally hate...

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“Fear is the path to the ..Fear leads to anger..Anger leads to hate..Hate leads to suffering”.. ..

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Plane hijacked for LOVE, not for hate.... cartoon for

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....what the f*ck am 俺 doing 俺 should be f*cking 稿 now ohhh sh*t why Komaeda so sexy 俺 hate...._(:зゝ∠)_

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Well... haters gonna hate...

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Because sometimes i feel like Frankenstein... very close to

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