Here is Sir Pentious💛💛💛#HazbinHotel

4 21

Haha what if we got rid of your dad for Valentine's day- jkjk... unless.

I kinda hate the background but whatever I need practice.

40 307

Not much dialogue for the grumpy boys but I hope you like it! ^^

19 184

I literally started and finished it today🥺 I love this couple tbh they are so rad. This is my first Sir Pentious attempt!

25 245

and but they're baristas.

I decided to finish this doodle I made in Aggie with since I'm bored and out of home.

58 521

Me dum dum because forgot to post these to together??? Ooof will post one will text in the comments :v

45 429

(FINAL) Angel's presents - ANGEL (Part 1)
(Part 2 in thread below)
Sorry for the repost..Noticed a big fault...

254 2077

Angel’s presents - CHERRI

Oh no...Pentious’s one weakness...Ladies ankles!

I just imagine Pentious getting extremely flustered if a lady flashes her ankles at him and Cherri using this to her full advantage...

277 2002

Angel’s presents - SIR PENTIOUS / ARACKNISS

Do you get it!?? Cus their names together sound like Penis...


Excuse you I am hilarious!

226 1797