Another indophil for all of you who has been refreshing the indophil hashtag LMAO
Hetalia philippines and Indonesia...

72 288

Quick break from everything else and to post some hoping that this is finally our boy 😭

30 87

Images from newest chapter.
I miss drawing them. My moot in IG call them AmNeSia which is cool name and my rotten brain likes to call them Go-Bloc😂

1 13

I was afraid of posting it here but now I see people posting. Why not? Been shipping them for a bit long now, can't hold back hahaha.

0 6

Kasihan dikerok jg pada akhirnya 🗿

18 52

Di sana bersalju, di sana musim penghujan. Dimanapun sama-sama dingin🥶 emang enaknya kalo dikelonin🌞 Stay warm everyone~
Indonesia OC by me


1 17