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The actual scum villian gives me feelings I cant explain, while everything the 21st millenial dudes say feels relatable

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I'm gonna need a Ghost Game movie with Millenniummon so we can see the RAWEST designs get animated

They cooked too hard with Proximamon I fear

2 10

🚨 Craig Pollock, el que fuera mánager de Villeneuve, trabaja en la llegada de Formula Equal a la F1

👉 Apuestan por la igualdad de género dentro del equipo y aspiran a debutar en 2026.

"El concepto es el de crear un equipo compuesto por el 50% de hombres y el 50% de mujeres".

70 1297

Tässä sarjakuvaystävilleni vinkki tekstaamisesta sarjakuvafontilla. Saa jakaa jopa twitterin ulkopuolelle, kunhan ette poista tietojani kuvista.

3 12

once again assume that I have great taste because I do

if I were to add a fifth it would be zeedmilleniummon for those curious https://t.co/HYypWRh54k

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Im not super deep into Pokemon, I've had some fond memories. Wondering how tired millennial kuya™ this makes me out to be haha

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"Metaglyphs are a meta language.
The universal language of lines and shapes carries information through the millennia and remains understandable to all people without exception"

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drops doodles here and perish for another millennia

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I think Shiny being brought from literal peak Imperium during 30k into 40k in a new resurrected body, seeing the person you were closest to for roughly two millennia that you always walked beside, fought, cherished, and loved, all to wake up n' witness the dying Golden Throne 1/?

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For the werewolf lovers out there, here's Blaise Canilhac from Zombillenium.

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