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Lobster comic #1
My attempt at disseminating the key methods and findings from our #lobster genetics study to everyone!
Please RT! Comments welcome 🦞
#Fisheries #Conservation #Oceans #AcademicTwitter
Für heute ist Schluss.
Keine Ahnung ob ich morgen schon weiter machen kann.
Hier die bisherigen Fusionen, mal gesammelt:
First one: Bulba-Squad! 🌿
‘Eagle and wolf disputing the prize’
#Illustration from ‘Foreign field sports, fisheries, sporting anecdotes &c &c’ (1814)
#RareBooks #library #wildlife #NaturalHistory #biodiversity
#Mermay Day 8: Zebra Shark (Endangered)
They're nocturnal foragers and rest during the day. As they age, they lose their stripes and gain spots. Threats include being captured and overfished by inshore fisheries. #EndangeredMermay #EndangeredSpeciesDay and #colour_collective
I wonder how that impacts #fisheries and how it has been impacting fisheries over time? #Atlantic Cod anyone?
"#Phytoplankton decline coincides with warming temperatures over the last 150 years"
https://t.co/0vOuBZHrbn via @physorg_com
After a dramatic afternoon at the fisheries committee, ‘Free Willy’ bill sent to House of Commons for final vote. https://t.co/MIfwRDO2Ww #cdnpoli #cdnenv
New paper on case studies showing how tracking data on marine species have helped inform conservation policy and management, incl. reductions in
fisheries bycatch & vessel strikes, and marine protected area design https://t.co/4TbIRThrti
JOB VACANCY: Exciting opportunity with Start-up and #ExeterMarine collaborator @SNTechUK for a Lead Scientist. SNT are an exciting company amibitiously tackling global fisheries bycatch - follow the link to find out more https://t.co/3hlhw15ypu
Das war's. Mehr bekomme ich mit meinen bisherigen Skills beim besten willen nicht hin. Würde mich über eine eine ehrliche Antwort freuen: Soll ich paar Drucke davon mit zur LBM bringen? Meint ihr, es würde dazu taugen? Oder lieber als warten, bis ich eine Copic-Version hab?
Hopefully not too late for #SundayFishSketch. I randomly picked the Paraliparis darwini, a deep water fish first discovered and described by Stein et al. off Galapagos archipelago. #scicomm #sciart #fishsci #fisheries.
We're #hiring up to four large river #fisheries #ecologists! For more details, visit: https://t.co/69NUo3ETQH #fishsci #fishyFriday #jobs @PrairieResInst @AmFisheriesSoc
Fisherie-doo-dahhh fisherie day, my oh my what a fisherman’s day #illustration
Vorschau auf #InjusticevsMastersoftheUniverse #5 - #MotU #Omnibus kommt
Der bereits vorletzte Teil der Crossover-Saga wird am 28. November erscheinen. Außerdem ist ein Sammelband aller bisherigen MotU-Comics von DC in Vorbereitung.
Check out Ray Hilborn's new article in the ICES Journal of Marine Science @ICES_ASC - Measuring fisheries performance using the “Goldilocks plot” | ICES Journal of Marine Science | Oxford Academic https://t.co/vw17NfSYom
„Endzeit – Ever after“ von @Olivia_Vieweg bei rotten tomatoes, da hat man eine schöne Übersicht über die bisherigen Reviews: https://t.co/gOS5zj84H6
Das Buch dazu gibt’s bei uns im Shop, gerne auch signiert! Das wäre dann hier: https://t.co/Zq3IesRjc8
@MaidMarion123 @jeffreysocia @StageEntertain @DisneyStudios Warte mal, bis es fertig ist!! Oh, hier sind übrigens meine bisherigen.... (Von 2013, ich habe mich bissl verbessert seit damals)...
@KWSnet RT
Dave Brown @DaveBrownToons
Political cartoonist for The Independent.
UK publishes plan for an independent fisheries policy... https://t.co/nSsnQgATmW
🔸 'May Battered On All Sides' 5 Jul 2018. Dave Brown, The Independent.
#Mermay day 14 late: Atlantic Humpbacked Dolphin (Critically Endangered)
They prefer shallow waters that are close to the shore such as mangrove channels, river deltas, and bay areas.
Human activities threaten the species with fisheries being the greatest threat. #Mermay2018
#Mermay day 13 late: Caspian Seal (Endangered)
They are found only in the Caspian Sea. Pups are usually born on the ice and cannot get into the water until they molt.
Recently, the by-catch of seals by illegal Sturgeon fisheries has been a major cause of mortality. #mermay2018
Almost half #Hoiho penguin breeding pop. on Codfish Is have disappeared, prob due to commercial set-net #fishing, says @Forest_and_Bird.
My @PressNewsroom #cartoon @NZStuff #nzpol #conservation #sealife #fisheries