New poster of Midoriya Izuku (Deku) from Boku no Hero Academia, this was available at Kinokuniya Chicago artist alley at Mitsuwa Market summer festival, but I didn't have time to post it here first. #MyHeroAcademia #BokuNoHeroAcademia #midoriyaizuku #Deku
Kinokuniya is teaming up with GKIDS for a special #NightIsShort contest!
Enter to win merch (mini-poster, shot glass, and a coaster) and two tickets to see THE NIGHT IS SHORT, WALK ON GIRL, in theaters August 21 & 22!
#MasaakiYuasa #movie #湯浅政明 #映画
Kinokuniya is teaming up with @GKIDSfilms for a special #NightIsShort contest!
Enter to win merch (mini-poster, shot glass, and a coaster) and two tickets to see THE NIGHT IS SHORT, WALK ON GIRL, in theaters August 21 & 22!
I'm going to be selling my art in person for the first time Saturday 8/11 from 11a-9p at Mitsuwa in Arlington Heights IL I'll have prints, originals, enamel pins, and some framed hand embellished mini prints ❤️ Come visit!
#mitsuwa #kinokuniya #arlingtonheights
Kinokuniya is teaming up with @gkidsfilms for a special #NightIsShort contest! Enter to win merch (mini-poster, shot glass, and a coaster) and two tickets to see THE NIGHT IS SHORT, WALK ON GIRL, in theaters August 21 & 22!
.@crunchyrollexpo is coming to The San Jose McEnery Convention Center this September 1-3! Kinokuniya customers get an extra $5 off* with code "kino05" at checkout! Tickets still available!
<Staff Picks>
Kinokuniya staff, Shuto shares his favorite books; One-Punch Man by Yusuke Murata!!
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#OnePunchMan #Favorite #Japanese #manga #books
Hey all, Just wanted to make a little announcement @KinokuniyaUSA in NYC Will be carrying some of my prints. If you mist me at @animenyc or @NY_Comic_Con this year head over to #Kinokuniya on 1073 6th Ave In Manhattan. #KingdomHearts #MetalGearSolid
#CrunchyrollExpo is coming August 25-27! Don't miss the Kinokuniya booth! Tickets still available!
Been too busy to draw so here's wip. I'll be at the SF Cherry Blossom Festival again this weekend in the JapanTown mall near Kinokuniya :)
@tsukaharaS Konnichiwa Tsukahara sensei^o^ l ordered 2 books from Kinokuniya Thailand.I can't wait & very exited to meet them >///<
AVAILABLE NOW! Get your copy of Bitter Sweet Love from B&N, Chapters Indigo, Kinokuniya and other good bookstores.
My book party is this Sat. 2pm at Kinokuniya (1073 Ave of the Americas)! We'll have these limited edition prints too!
I'm in my personal heaven. Books Kinokuniya Main!!!!
Mirai jadi maskot toko Kinokuniya dan katanya Kinokuniya di Jakarta juga jual Moekana :3
青山KINOKUNIYA INTERNATIONALで27、28日は、「シャルキュトリー」という おフランスの食文化を伝えるイベントあるみたい。フランスで豚の鳴き声はグロアグロアなの?。