画質 高画質

some of the chimkens lit the signal towers
we knew
we were there hehe

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April came by so fast and before I knew it, we hit 535 from 400. AYO?!

FInding the right words to say is pretty hard, but words can't express how thankful I am. So, I want do something special once I have time.

Thanks guys!

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When he did this you knew it was a wrap 💯

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I drew this caritna when I found out about the dead horses and ruined stables. I knew some of the horses and the ruined stables were familiar to me. https://t.co/efXKECsB6x

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Knew these pink overalls would come in handy some day !!!

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They're here! I was so excited when I saw that rocking standees were a thing and knew they would be perfect for the fandom. The gentlebeard one is approximately 4"x4" and Izzy is about 3"x3", both about 2" deep.

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illumi totally knew it was a date and this is the exact moment hisoka caught up (hisoillu fluff pt.4 i believe?)

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🎵Funny how when you least expect it everything can change.
Baby, it’s you I’ve been looking for, I knew right from the second you came walking through that door, it feels so right when you’re in my arms.🎵

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Alright, here's the one everyone knew was coming. It's staying at the number one spot on my til it happens...


The new kids, the OGs, Tobin, characters yet to be introduced in all the new stuff that's being worked on, you name it. I GOT YOU. https://t.co/jiSaucU2M8

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I knew right away I needed this Magic Kong

There's so much going on in the same picture, but it all fits well. For me, this MK best represents what the magic collection and CK brand are about... creative and iconic 🪄

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always wondered why steven looks like someone until i just knew nightow made both trigun and kekkaii sensen

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Dreamt of a Facsimile bond unit that just streams on her days off

I knew well to write this down on a note somewhere cause something told me i would forget half of what happened

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I'm rewatching the s1 anime for giggles and I love how they adapted the visual foreshadowing in S1-58. Oh how little we knew of what was coming

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I love you guys so much... Thank you for coming to my announcement stream!
I knew you guys were were very accepting...You had me in tears ;n;
For those of you that didn't make it, I came out as genderfluid and revealed new Model concept💜

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21: The Girl from the Sea

I knew I’d love this just knowing Ostertag’s work in general but it is, of course, a fantastic book about learning flexibility in the face of life’s chaos (a lesson I honestly should take to heart) and another excellent queer GN nobody should miss.

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oh the Instant I saw 's Hubble I Knew I had to draw her asap, Absolutely W U V these simple silly shapes So Much,.,.

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