The losers of the previous universe⁉️Then I doubt they have something to do with the ancient humans considering they were the winners of the previous universe. In that case, could they be like a weird amalgamation of previous gods and Suras🤔🤔

0 7

What exactly are these things? Do they have something to do with the ancient humans, I wonder

0 7

I know they were really difficult for Currygom to draw, but I’m a little sad Maruna no longer has his little feather ear things in his 5th stage. They were so cute and expressive! The way they would perk up or droop depending on his emotions was such a cute detail

4 20

Finished the “Night it rained fire” arc in Kubera, brilith and Agni top 2

5 27

Ofc her first instinct was to protect Brilith because she's Leez

0 6

Woah woah woah, hold up, we need to unpack that, wth!

0 6

Nightmare fuel to witness as a child

0 6

Omg, the adults need to buy a gift or give money to Haas for babysitting when he's a lil kid himself. Also, I'm pretty sure that's not a bear outside

0 6

I'm glad that she's more inclined to believe him now

0 6

It must be so weird for Kalavinka to hear that her brother is travelling with the supposed cause of the Cataclysm and a suspicious looking person claiming to be human against common sense

0 6

Lol, Ran realizing she's Maruna's younger sister is way funnier than I imagined

0 6

Holy shit, what⁉️ I knew it had to be more than the kings going wild but wdym Raltara caused it

0 6

Well, she must've been raised by Visnu which is something I'm super excited to hear more about

0 6

Yeeeaaah, Ran's situation must be super rare so one would be more likely to assume he's a Nastuka

0 6

I mean it would be hard to convince her in these circumstances😅😅

0 6

Oh shit, isn't that the book she used to summon Kubera

0 8

I really like how Haas was basically all of their big brother ^^

0 7

Omg, look at how adorable they are🥰🥰🥰 I never would've imagined seeing these four in the same room as babies

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