Used my
Artist Pro 15.6 and and lots and lots of experimenting. You can get this as a sticker on my Redbubble, so check the link in my bio!

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Hey everyone, I just started a fiverr account! If You need your comic covers/sequentials pencilled, inked, colored and/or lettered, just hit the link below :)

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Excited to be working on this new kid's picture book with a more detailed art style! I'm allowed to show you progress from it so I will, hope you like this first one!

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My name's Phil, and I'm a freelance character designer & illustrator looking for some work in the space!! please consider letting me in on a project! here are some examples of my art :>

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Updated Commission Info. Also check out my Kofi shop, link in bio.✨#commissionsopen

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I'm an aspiring fantasy artist, eager to make some great and card art, and looking for opportunities!

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I wanted to illustrate the Dark Lord of the Sith in a dynamic pose, as if he just noticed a Jedi opponent coming from behind. So there you go! Copyright: Lucasfilm

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I Love working on stuff like

It gives me a glimpse into someones world and it is a little piece of them they are entrusting you to getting right

So I am always honored to be asked to make someones a reality

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Want your as a or a piece of

I can do that! Check out these little cuties!

Just drop me a message and we can talk details!

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When I start for a new client, drawing them an avatar they ALL get this.

not a picture of me, but art of themselves! This then translates into the characters that they can use time and time again!

For details and testimonials DM me!

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Ahh me encantan los martes con M de Malik encuerad0 😌💖😌💖 Jajaja ok no, es broma, es un pequeño detalle para este hermoso vtuber que siempre me saca una sonrisa en sus streams, espero les guste 💖💖

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