12 May 1562: Ecclesiastical High Commission declares the clandestine marriage of Katherine Grey & Edward Seymour, Earl of Hertford null She remained imprisoned till her death in 1568 due to her claims to the throne (Sotheby's)

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It was said that if you added a sprig of rosemary to a barrel of beer it would stop you from getting drunk. Additionally eating from a spoon made from rosemary wood was supposed to give flavour to even the blandest of dishes.

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The absolute burning urge to name the mf communion wafer cookie because that is the blandest food I have ever eaten

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Dato random y me voy a dormir:
Algo que me gusta añadirle a C cuando lo dibujo son esas cicatrices en la nuca
Ya que (si no me equivoco) el FBI le puso un chip rastreador en ese mismo sitio y se tuvo que operar en un hospital clandestino para que se lo sacarán

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Happy Good Omens day, all! I can’t believe how much I still love this fandom, but it’s also my spouse’s birthday so I’m taking an artist day off and having clandestine drinks with mon ange. Cheers! 💋

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..And that's the thing about illicit affairs
And clandestine meetings and longing stares
It's born from just one single glance
But it dies, and it dies, and it dies
A million little times

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Rachel Ruysch (1664-1750) fue una artista neerlandesa de la que todavía sabemos muy poco. Su padre era coleccionista de objetos de historia natural y ella se especializó en la pintura de flores.

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Clickteam acaba de actualizar la version de consolas fnaf 2 agregando nuevas traducciones de paises, entre ellas tenemos:
- Japones
- Chino
- Ruso
- Portugues
- Aleman
- Holandes
- Frances
- Italiano
- Español

1 8

Guten Morgen, ihr Lieben!
Max Slevogt (1868–1932) 🎨🇩🇪
Dame mit Katze, 1902 🖼️
Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hannover

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🦎 Getreue Abbildungen naturhistorischer Gegenstände in Hinsicht auf Bechsteins kurzgefasste gemeinnützige Naturgeschichte des In- und Auslandes:
Nürnberg: In der Schneider und Weigelschen Kunst- und Buch- handlung,[1793-1809]

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The next set of KH OC x CC kiddos is a duet of twins! Say hi to Avery and Alex! They are Lelandess and Axel's twin Luckdragon babies

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The Art of Raphaëlle Deslandes https://t.co/qPwdFEUpPC

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O tweet era sobre o Astolfo(Coitado) mas tem outro ótimo exemplo chamada Nero. É cada coisa triste que você lê por aí pprt. A personagem é tão bem feita, eles pegam a história do Nero Original e usam isso diretamente como conflito para a personagem, mas 3 tailandeses e 2

0 5

Yooo congratulations on that, that’s awesome!
I’m Firexima/Fire and on this acc I do pretty much exclusively mcyt stuff and my goal is 1k by the end of the year if I can reach it :0
Some of my very cool mutuales are:
@/StormieKumo @/clandestine_00 @/Kekojay_ @/rotten_kiyoomi

2 8

L made a clandestine visit to Mr. D’s office, and paid his respect to the safe, which was hermetically closed. But L was not discouraged. "Where force fails, cunning prevails. The essential thing is to be on the spot when the opportunity occurs."

6 15

Inge Löök es una ilustradora y jardinera finlandesa (Helsinki, 1951) que se ha hecho famosa por sus divertidas, alegres y detalladas acuarelas con escenas protagonizadas por las “tías”, dos simpáticas y sonrientes viejecitas, desdentadas y felices.

👇🏻Abro hilo cuco.

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🦎 Bilderbuch für Kinder
Weimar: Im Verlage des Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, 1798-1830.

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Next episode"Reaching Out"
Se viene una cita Lumity en peleas clandestinas y.. CONFLICTOS PARENTALES!

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Un gran amigo compañero de bromas y risas gracias montoya por todo...💔💔💔

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Bueno ella es mi Oc, se llama Lidsie Emilia Cruyssen, su edad es de 14 años, es hija del ship Lucycoln, nació, se crío y vive en Heaville (Ciudad ficticia) ubicada en los Países Bajos y a pesar de ser de Sangre Americana, ella se identifica como Neerlandesa

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