Chapter 2. Awakening (5/8)
"They started to talk on "Fallen" language. But Octavia couldn't understand them."

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I need to come up with Feather's true name in the bird language. Feather is a nickname Mint came up with for her.

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8) Fiv! She/her demigirl. water majic. Straight, single. Deaf+mute, user of American sign language. Very close to Ziv later in their story. Lives mainly in & around a lake. Loves reading and feeling different textures.

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OK so English is not my native language.
Contest ends THIS sunday - september 25.
Not next week!

Sorry for the confusion and now get your booties to the drawing board :'D

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I changed the horns to be more simplified + fit in better with Flowerpunk's shape language. I also wanted these creatures to not just be full-on horrifying, but have a genuinely mystical look to them. They are not just mindless monsters, but powerful beings.

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Nadia delivered the record written by the governor to John and Matthew. The young Joseph was also there. As the record was written in the Empire's official language, Nadia translated it to the disciple's native language.

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Toyen definió el artificialismo así: “where the artist creates poetry without using language.”

El trabajo de Toyen es a menudo erótico. En sus trabajos suele representar a mujeres a las que les añade genitales masculinos. Ilustró Justine del Marqués de Sade en 1933.

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Really had me thinking about it when I was trying to figure out what to take out of my backlog drawer. Generally still pretty happy with my choice in colors and shape language.

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I swear I get hooked on the most random overly-specific shit

Ever since finding the french french "The Wakos" shorts and seeing their parody Smurf characters, I can't stop drawing their pissed-off "Smurfette". She's just so grumpy and fun. Having a blast with her body language.

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Gentlemen, recommend me some English books with beautifully complicated language (like 'Lolita'). I'm choosing my first book to read completely in English and I have to set up a challenge, otherwise I'll just return to reading in my first language. No Shakespeare, please

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now on talking "Art is Language." thank you for having me🦋

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Language is no longer learned, but streamed to neural implants. A massive cyberattack causes a global language outage...Enter Ebba Black, the world's last native speaker of language.

The Babel Apocalypse out in 2023

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【VOICEROID+】The vocal synth of the hour is Minase Kou.
Kou is a gentle teacher who specializes in the Japanese language. His hobby is basketball.

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【VOICEROID+】The vocal synth of the hour is Minase Kou.
Kou is a gentle teacher who specializes in the Japanese language. His hobby is basketball.

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i think i just discovered a new love language. its drawing your blorbos

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Even neverminding looking at least slightly out of place among Pokemon is kinda the point of the UBs we can't say we really see the correlation between the comparatively really simple shapes vs Digimon which tends to go ham on the details and shape language.

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FEATURE: Turin-based motion graphics studio enkindles playfulness and wonder through its colorful, abstract visual language.

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FEATURE: Turin-based motion graphics studio enkindles playfulness and wonder through its colorful, abstract visual language.

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