16-BIT ON THE GO! Happy 19th Anniversary, Gameboy Advance! The Gameboy Advance SP was one of the first handhelds that I owned. The GBA library is BEYOND IMPRESSIVE! Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen, Advance Wars, and Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones are my favorites.

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“...and another one that’s clearly less important that I can’t remember” - recalling his LeafGreen team in the new episode of Pixelmon, how shameful 😔 (jk but I had to draw this immediately 🤣)

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Random Pokemon of the day is Kingler. I love the details of this crab, really amazing. And it has..a..big..meaty..CCLLAAWW!! credit goes to Vexnir.

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Pokemon hats for everyone~
I didnt exactly grew up with Ash until the early 2000's, I remember playing and Fire Red and bringing it to my Elementary school and I'll never be over the fact that some random kid stole my cartridge of Leaf Green hope you're (1/3)

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As much as I love Clefairy and Clefable, I think I would have preferred these names in all honesty. Maybe I’ll nickname them these in my next playthrough of LeafGreen 🤔

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Red & Leaf: self-explanatory Lol. They’re both names after the FireRed and LeafGreen games.

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recently did a nuzlocke run of leafgreen, here were some of my team's heroes c:

(watercolors + colored pencils)

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GBA Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen Music Super Complete — Junichi Masuda

The first Pokémon game I played was LeafGreen. The soundtrack is very nostalgic of course but it's also great how they expanded the original tracks from the first games.

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I didn't play gen 1 but I chose charmander for the like three days I played LeafGreen https://t.co/XL4IIRI47D

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cyndaquil was first, but i remember picking bulbasaur in leafgreen https://t.co/mRKyQlWIxo

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pidgey was my first random encounter shiny, on my leafgreen version ✨

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Another long night of editing and creating, but it was more than worth it! Later on today we will be playing more Pokémon LeafGreen, and I have a surprise for the stream! it's gonna be great! But for now I need a nap :D

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like 10 years ago my Brother told me if I caught him a shiny he would give me any pokemon he currently had excluding a few, I caught a shiny meowth with in the hour

today knowing what shiny rates were like in Pokemon LeafGreen, It's incredible how quickly I found one

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Ninetails has always been my favorite since pokemon LeafGreen 🥺 https://t.co/bmIa79aTmP

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día 15
Una figura misteriosa y poderosa espera dentro de lo más profundo de la cueva de ciudad celeste...

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Is this Leaf or is this Green?

For a long time, had it as Leaf, but since the Let's Go games, it has been Green.

I am starting my super-completionist run of LeafGreen and I need a consensus.

I am leaning more toward Green instead of Leaf.

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