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【#LiamGallagher】Oasisのヴォーカリストであり、マンチェスターが誇るロックンロールスター、#リアム・ギャラガー による待望のソロ・セカンド・アルバム『ホワイ・ミー?ホワイ・ノット』入荷致しましたっ‼️

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元オアシス、#リアム・ギャラガー の挫折と復活 ─
ドキュメンタリー映画『As It Was』2020年公開決定!



69 141

Oasis fans...

30% OFF EVERYTHING - Use code THIRTY at checkout.

Shop Oasis: https://t.co/Y4RqaZ5c0X

Expires September 18, 2019 11:59pm

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Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Liam Gallagher is having it large at Glastonbury...

21 184

This had to be done! - Can't wait to see now! Hopefully released here in the USA soon!!! - Great to have Liam back!! sounds mega and "Once" from the end credits of his documentary is a beauty! Look forward to hearing the new album!

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2019.04.19 퇴근송 / Wonderwall - Oasis
노엘과 리암,겔러거형제가 다시 한무대에서 공연하는것을보기는어렵겠지만 들어도들어도 질리지않는 노래들이남아있어서좋다!

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