Iljinnyeo Tutoring (aka Learning the Hard Way) has come to an end. Breezy and funny read, with one of the horniest female leads

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My GlowArt of Pretty Jooha from Pearl Boy 🐚✨

I run out of idea so I draw betta fish which symbolize him either ❣️
Hope you like it


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Creo que muchxs odian a Jihwa sin terminar de entender que Seungho fue su primer y único amor:(((

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"Jin .. I want to carve you."
- Matthew Raynor 💕

A perfect Cosplay 😍
© coser : 💕😘

✍📱Infinite Design
🕛 6 hrs 🤧

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Touch to Unlock spoilers

Now there are two saddest moments in the series. A matching pair, even.

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20 mins into samgyupsal and chill and ahjumma give you the look

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Jueves de antojación.... "Talk to me" ☆♡.

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One of the jarring things in manhwa: art style changes.

This is the same character, about 20 or 30 chapters apart. She didn't go through any illness or get any augmentations in-story.

I understand it's a series and maybe popularity or sales are flagging, but...damn

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Noona before and after Covid (and experiencing Asian hate and gun culture)

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