Maruna, I swear if you use this girl, I'm gonna be so freaking mad

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Maruna is visibly affected by this but this is a situation he can deeply relate to as an older sibling so ofc he is

0 10

That was such a heartbreaking but tender scene, that person will remember this whether it matters or not in the end and that's beautiful. Also, I will never stop smiling whenever Maruna gets annoyed at how much he cares

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I can't believe Maruna's dense nature became even more apparent next to ancient humans who feel emotions way more intensely🤦‍♀️

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I'm sorry Maruna, was Lorraine your teacher at any point of your life because damn boi, where did you learn to break hearts like that

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Aww, she must definitely be the blonde woman because she did say that she tried to please Maruna all her life before. This is so sweet🥰

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Maruna, the one who saw humans as nothing more than insignificant bugs, says that he felt guilty watching them die in front of him and couldn't help but intervene a few times. I remember the special ch about Asha's first friend and wow, look at that difference

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Those Maruna panels had no right to be that cutee🥰🥰

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Oh, I wonder how Maruna is gonna feel if he witnesses the annihilation of the ancient humans now that he personally has come to know them

0 8

Ohh so she was her granddaughter… Also, I'm curious if she's the kid Maruna met before. If that's the case, did Maruna simply not recognize her? Or she could be a sibling of that kid too, I suppose

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*Maruna did not know how to deal with these new feelings and experiences so he was super annoyed* 😂😂

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This is so cutee🥰🥰 Baby steps Maruna, baby steps. I have faith that you will learn to care about humans in time

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Yesss Maruna, think about these things. How can someone be deemed capable or strong by murdering defenseless beings

0 8

Oh, this is crazy. Does that mean Kali "reclaimed" Raltara's mother's name?? Also, is it just me or does the image of the ancient human there look a lot like the woman who's stronger than Maruna that died? Does Kali possess her name as well, I wonder

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I'm so glad that he remembered that, I don't want Maruna to kill Raltara

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What kind of an attack is that?? Is Maruna fine??

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My hype levels are through the roof! If Maruna develops because he wanted to protect humans, I think I'll lose my shit😁

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I'm so glad that moment meant something to him as well!! Omg, seeing Maruna, the one who murdered countless humans left and right, protecting humans is so freaking rewarding

0 7

I love that we can see Maruna's old views being mirrored in this Sura but my boy is growing as a person, he doesn't need the kind of pride that is as fragile as glass

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