I’m the type of tetris player that messes up 100% pc solves

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7/ monumental art hints that these chariot "solar disks" were often decorated with symblic scenes like this painted image of Ramesses II's chariot at the Battle of Kadesh with miniature scene of the king receiving a sword from Amun (right)

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3/ It was attached to the pole of Tutankhamun's golden state chariot. The solar disk would have appeared behind the head of the king's horses as in this idealized scene of Ramesses II's chariot.

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I forgot twitter messes up images with no background color so heres an alt!

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I *would* put the transparent bg ones because I think they look better, but Twitter always messes up when I do that soooo....

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Finally, the last prototype "officially made", 36! He was the successful creation of a mmz zero. However, he was introduced to his many brothers, and through time he realized he hated being the "perfect mmz zero." So he changed his looks, loves to paint, and causes many messes!

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Back at it again with Luka, the protagonist of my next webcomic 😎 🌟 Introducing his big sis Catherine/Cat, whose design is based solely on wanting a cool boss lady with muscles 🤧💪 Cat messes with Luka a lot, but they have a strong relationship 💖

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He rolled his eyes as he hung up his phone. The higher-ups are so annoying. They don’t listen to the youth, but they can sure come groveling to him when he has to clean up all their messes. They make the problems, and then beg him to fix them. Old fools.

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*someone from HR messes up the process for a new hire*

the tech department:

0 2

Congrats on the 200 followers! 🎉
(I'm honestly surprised you don't have more btw)
Here's my Oc :P I haven't really named her but for the moment I call her Tiana. The lore behind her is that she's a good magician but still messes up and ends in embarrassing situations :b

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I'm so frustrated with trying to export this animation as a GIF.
In CSP you can't have a transparent BG, GIMP's file is too big for what I need it for, and Aseprite messes with the colors because I have too many colors in the image.
What else could I use?

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英訳 English Translation
"When One Messes with a GIGA Policewoman's Lunch..."

(The full three pages have been given to the artist to post to or update the paywall)

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I love the fact that the Sixth Eye route (Saiko Zakuro or Sinko) has more psychological terror than the other routes, like, this girl really messes with everyone's minds, especially Nana.

3 6

Ennky the candy devouring dragons the name! And cuddles, sweets and affection is my game!!
I like to make messes in the kitchen and not always just cooking if ya know what I mean~

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I was offered a Throne gift! Hm, it might be easier to clean up after messes with it...

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For me, doing it more patiently messes it up unless I'm doing an ancient/medieval style piece. If I go with broad brush strokes & letting the paint go all over the place it looks good.

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3/ Chapter 6: Great of Victories: Ramesses II’s Later Wars
Chapter 7: All the King’s Wives: Ramesses II’s Royal Women
Chapter 8: The Royal Children and their Ideological Role
Chapter 9: The Path to Peace: International Diplomacy and the End of the Egyptian-Hittite Conflict

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I feel like he’s definitely the one who does the household cooking and cleaning coz Tesla probably sucks at it

Tesla really gives me the vibes of someone who’s perfect at her craft but messes up everything else. Even in 2E her hands were full of bandaids after cutting an apple

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more people should write them like this i need them being sappy and fake angry at each other with all the different mixed signals like the weird teenage messes they are https://t.co/zg1bXr5YGY

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