MGO開始前に完成出来た!( ´)Д(` )=3

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Yo comrades, hopefully by the time MGO3 is fully running this doesn't happen :)

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Where are my comrades⁉️103 days to GO❗️MGO三 By

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Haven Trooper 😍 Thanks KLA & MGO Japan Ganbatte! がんばって❗️ Pic via liquidocelot96

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Awesome MGO3 concept art! Plz consider to release an art book for fans 🙏🙏🙏

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Coming down from hype? Let's take a second to remember why it all happened 🌸

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KPltYSYHUbjV6TPOBgTf5Mgo たまには落書きを~ 何でこんな絵になったんだか(-_-;) 何か台詞を入れようと思いましたが「何でやねん!!」しか思い付かなかったので止めました。

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