New PFP who dis?

thank you for this amazing art!! :D i love it!! ^^

be sure to check out this very talented artist!! ^^

7 38

New pfp and process vid. this is. surprisingly good for where i’m at.

0 1

Won this👇 dope af 👇last night!

Thank you ! Each NFT looks sick and is a lifetime ticket to their giveaways, raffles and amazing community 🔥

Get yo'selves on board 🚀

8 28

Meet my amazing Daonnaki👽. Can’t explain the excitement that come with this collection. It’s not my rarest but I just can’t move my eyes from this one.

5 12

Be part of the future. is one of the best with amazing that will change and the whole
Additionally 24 Legendarys added 👀


9 25

Daonnaki revealed today!

Really sorry for everyone who didn't grab the chance to get his own one of this amazing Project with that insane Art!!

Even if i have no Ledgend - it was not easy to choose my favorit, they all so amazing!!

5 19

Nova foto de perfil do pai.😎

4 14

Have a great day, everyone! ✨️💜🌙💜💜💜

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ayo, im starting to not take 10 years to make a sketch and lineart 👁️

2 16