-thing..." Sobura said, pulling her into a kiss to calm her wife.

As she broke it, sera looked at her as sobura finished her sentence

"There comes a time, even gods die... Either by my hand or yours"

0 1

- Sera looked up at it she nods. "They said something about gods going crazy and ready to destroy it all." Sera said as she sat down calmly, looking distraught.

Sobura grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. "At this point, we don't know who will survive. But i know one single -

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At the same time, on the new planet sobura claimed 3 days before, Seravee stood there in her super saiyan form, feeling strange unease as she watched the mining drill do it's work.

"This feels... Very strange"


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Hebi Kobura Dangaronpa OC

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Sera and sobura just lay together after her training.

"So it was hirudegarn that caused the most trouble?" Sobura asked.
"Yeah, it forced me into my oozaru state, and it was not easy to keep control" sera chuckled as she got a headpat from her wife.

"You did good, honey"

3 35

Diana, Seravee and Sobura having a girls night out. Commission for , featuring ocs.

( vandal, Thukasa and Tora behind the bar XD)

Hope ya all like!

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Fun fact of the Queen.

Sobura has a very odd way of complimenting people. To the point it sounds like she is threatening you with kindness.

For example:

"Don't be like those repulsive idiots that don't have confidence. You are higher than that yet lower than me"

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Soburasada hellsguard. The famous herajin queen.

Ruler of the planet defteros. Known for her eyescar, being quite ruthless with a soft spot for her wife seravee and her terror ki. With a lot of crimes under her belt, she fights to keep her planet safe

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Sobura has a massive list of crimes committed. Like:

MassMass destruction

Mass murder (including genocide)


Crimes against peace


Planetary invasion

Grand theft

Mass Torture

Usage of WMDs

Usage of WUDs

Terrorist threats against the SKOT

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But then...

"You chose a fate worse than the depths of hell, young one"

Soburasada hellsguard, the herajin queen and wife of sera stepped forward, crossing her arms.

"I hope you made peace with your god... Cause he will not listen to the lecture i will engrave in you

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Fun fact about sobura.

Sobura can do the worm with her single eye brow. She does this when she is drunk or bored.

Sera has seen this once, and begged her each day to do it

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"from this moment on, you are under rule of queen soburasada...

(THANK YOU for the best commission of sobura, subjugating YOU!)

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's of Soburasa schooling Bojack for having the temerity to be the failure that he is. The Queen of Cruelty demonstrates the price of weakness.

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