toldme to do more pixel stuff I think

1 5


0 1

*sigh* bugz !

hiding; monitoring; intercepting 👾

0 5


104 744

I remember confusing Meteor and Meteorite when I started playing, and now we have Ash Ashlock SilverAsh, so I'm just waiting for GoldMeteor to be announced soon

24 221

Gio's hair with Felix's eyes and
Felix's hair with Gio's eyes 🥺💖

29 190

🥵 Gio and Felix are so horny, please 😳🙈. * splurt * , and I am wet down there myself 👉👈😳 sorry for being a horny bitch 🥵
(Chapter 163)

12 160

When you were sad and bawling your eyes out when HMT night has ended but you have a bae to greet every morning.

I didn't expect my duality and the sadness of HMT night 😭

2 3

Felix first love is gio and they were destined to meet in the end. And i swear if Leekang, felix and gio will grow together its so sweet. 💕

2 20

HMT finally END 😭💙

Felix went to college to continue his studying. At there one girl like felix and she asked felix friend to introduce her. But felix fri said that felix , he is already taken and he also heard that felix married his first love

2 19

Congratulations on the end of HMT!!
Gio and Felix will be happy forever!!❤️

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