Finished up this piece for a character im playing in a CandleKeep Mysteries oneshot! His name is Keeper of The Binds: Meldruk Etch, a bugbear wizard

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My little Pierrot mouse folk bard. Ready for a humblewood oneshot! (Someone invite me)

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Got to bring Mewendiw out for another spin in last night's bathhouse oneshot! This time I used his Eberron version, where he's a School of Enchantment Wizard. He did exactly 0 damage in combat, but helped clean out some soiled pools, AND incapacitated a foe by telling a bad joke

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Calamus from OneShot!
I couldn't forget about him, he's actually Alula's older brother.

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Alula from OneShot! I finally made a good art :D

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My character for Stars Without Number oneshot!

Locke N. Khee, catburgler extraordinaire, in way over his head and not nearly worried enough about it.

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Garbessa Rinklade, the villain of today’s oneshot! I forgot how fun aliens are to design 💅🏼

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I love so much the character I made for a Pathfinder oneshot! Belladonna is an elven changeling herbolist witch that loves animals and beasts, and her familiar Mandragora (Mandrake) is a black cat with red eyes 🥰❤️

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🔴Goin' Live 🔴

Doing a blind playthrough of Oneshot! I know next to nothing about it, but it's been highly recommended to me for a good while, I'm excited for it! Stay tuned!

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My character for a candy cowboy themed DND oneshot!! Her name is Mimi Whoppa!

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Today's commie of the day is Niko from OneShot!

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digging out some old zongzi art bc bai jiu got to make some in dragon boat festival dnd oneshot!! 😋

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My character, Estelle for this PvP DND oneshot!

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petition for to play Oneshot! It's a puzzle game about a kid who gets brought to an unfamiliar world to replace the world's sun and save everyone. The free dlc does have some derealization but overall it's an amazing game with wonderful characters and story

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sorry for the lack of art, i have a bad art block rn lol
i hate this but heres niko n alula from oneshot! i loved this game sm

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quick doodle of my pc for a oneshot!! he doesn't have a name yet kdjlfsd but he's the demon lord's son

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Eu quero muito indicar esse joguinho mega fofo e interativo
Sério, eu simpatizei tanto pela Niko, o jogo literalmente fala contigo
Eu quase chorei com o peso da escolha final e to fazendo a segunda run pro final bom
Hj tem mais Oneshot!!!

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