Can finally say that I'm a proud owner of a genesis! Just in time for the marketplace! After getting WL with just 3 raffle tickets from a baby and also potatoz's WL I had to join the fam with a big boi!

13 149


Turvy - Hitmontop/Beautifly
Birb Fuud - Dodrio/Dratini
Happy Feet - Skarmory/Doduo
Kamen Rider - Ledian/Granbull
Button - Breloom/Jumpluff
Jim♀ - Whiscash/Plusle


0 2

What a shitshow how can anyone find this enjoyable? and the amount of ass pulls they're gonna have to make ash come out ontop SOMEHOW.

1 44

We’ve stayed down the bunny hole
For quite a long time
Now it’s time to take our role,
And let bunnies climb!

There are juicy carrots at the top, bunny fam. Climb with us. 🥕🥕🥕

162 298

Parte2 final(alfredotontopodriahaberaprobado) ||

49 305

We still need Gym Leader Byron and his Bastiodon to be added to this game.

1 3

🙏Today is a BIG day for me! 🙏
I have been WEB3 for around half a year and still nothing. Today really appreciate and thank and to let me get into the greatest Community "" MUCH LOVE!

13 118

drew my friends diluc <3
they also edited it ontop of that so creds to him as well

70 532

Richard just found a new home but, Mushy is still available for 0.05ETH. Find it in 👀


2 3



1 4

Just became a Kingz! Thanks for the solid private deal and for inspiring me into the Kaiju fam!

I've heard that the are and can't wait to catch you guys IRL! LFG! 🦖👑💯

8 88


Striker is the only imp we have seen that has a long/protruding snout, ontop of that, his snout isnt shaped that of a reptiles, its shaped to that of a sharks.

1 4

A Pokemon whos capable of spinning and can drill into the ground in a drill-like manner; it delivers smooth and graceful kicks.


2 13

it's not gerontophilia I swear

15 264