냥냥마켓 문구세트 2탄! ✨ 떡메모지, 도무송2종, 원형클립2종을 공개합니다! 🐾 협력에는 희지님(@ floralblue0), 송하님(@ songha_2cha), 예떼님(@ yehtteh)이 도와주셨습니다!

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I did this painting for a friend's birthday gift. I was so happy she liked it.

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Second batch of leaf cats!!
FEAT: Andropogon (red october), Basil, Bird of paradise, Black taffeta coralbells.

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SoulBound:Watching the Coralbloom
Barnacle Hermit and Friend watch as the Skyfish migration bring a rare Coralbloom.

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Vintage Wooden Box Vintage Storage Vintage Jewelry Box Vintage House… https://t.co/m4ba6xbkVI

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Greeting card blank-seedhead greeting card-typography card blank-ori… http://t.co/1ucfvCJCMo

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