Nuestra Señora de Coromoto fue proclamada como Patrona de Venezuela en 1942 por el Episcopado Venezolano.

El Papa Pío XII concedió la coronación canónica, realizada el 11 de septiembre de 1952, con inmenso júbilo, habiendo sido declarada Patrona Nacional de Venezuela.

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People who say the show has no plot and is just episodic are missing the big picture. Its defs building up to certain things and this episode defs confirms one suspicion a lot of people had. Very excited to see where it goes.

Also Oboromon is TERRIFYING

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¿Qué hay que hacer para tener a Oboromon de compañero digital (además de comprar una Dim Card)? Pregunto para un amigo

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Oboromon was added to the Reference Book!!

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Oboromon has been added to the Digimon Reference Book, bringing the total to 1150!

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Boop, here's my Lady Alyssa! 🌹♥️ Thank you!!
(Art by: @/MoroMoro_art, NyutaValerius and @/lurrlonde)

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we are LIVE NOW with coromon! i've been wanting to give this game a try for a while, i'm excited to see how it goes with y'all! ;v;



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Happy birthday to Koromo Amae from Saki! 🥳🎉

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Gracias a la ayuda de Oboromon, pasa de una bola con alas a una bola con alas demoníaca. Piximon digievoluciona en Deathmon (Black), un muy antiguo, pero que no pudimos ver adaptado hasta 😈

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Hoy 6 de Setiembre cumple años Koromo Amae de Saki.

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I'd love to catch one art stream! 😍 I've been watching playthroughs, as of recent. Here's my Lady Alyssa, a Sorceress who meddles in Arcane and secretly in Blood Magic! 🌹♥️♥️
(Art by: @/MoroMoro_art, @/marosar_art, @/Alissera_Art and @/rainardaart)

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Siguiendo la línea de espadachines de nuestro compañero , llega el gran, el inigualable, el espaditas de Oboromon "el huesos" 👻🙀#Digimon

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Black Orginzation Meguire and Kogoro! Specifically, them swapping places with Gin and Vodka. Really happy with how this turned out, actually.

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