the bits back in purgatory really focus in how this isn't just a matter of a murder mystery, it's a battle of philosophy. makes me think particularly of the discussions and conflicts between greek philosophers.

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Rudolf Carnap – Life and Works

Rudolf Carnap, a German-born philosopher and naturalized U.S. citizen, was a leading exponent of logical positivism and was one of the major philosophers of the twentieth century. He made significant contributions...

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you spend hours trapped in your apartment reading the works of philosophers. childish as it is, some part of you still believes that if you understand humans enough, someday you might be able to connect to them.

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Reading Philosophers Stone, and it's fun re-imagining the characters so long after reading it for the first time. I can't see Hermione like she is in the movies at all, she's dark skinned in my mind. Ron is basically real life Alfredo from Ratatouille haha.

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French neoclassical sculptor Jean-Antoine Houdon was famous for his portrait busts of statues, philosophers, inventors, and political figures. Which bust is your favorite?

Voltaire, 1778
Madame Houdon, 1787
Benjamin Franklin, late 18th century

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‘Pythagoras on Symi’ Oil and acrylic on plywood 37x67 centimetres circa 1996/98

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Ordinary Language Philosophy 

 Ordinary Language philosophy, , is a kind of ‘linguistic’ philosophy. Linguistic philosophy includes both Ordinary Language philosophy and Logical Positivism, developed by the philosophers of the Vienna Circle..

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For all delighted that the Monty Python Philosophers' Song was anticipated by Edward Ward's Wine & Wisdom: or, the Tipling Philosophers. A lyrick Poem. Third in an occasional series: Diogenes the Cynic, who gave up everything happily--except wine. So he sniffed his (wine) barrel

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Is heir to Marx? Bruce Robbins argues that philosophers distort Marx's thought when they try to claim him as one of their own:

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Before Adam Smith, philosophers often adopted a turgid style full of metaphorical obscurity. Smith in contrast used simple metaphors and everyday examples, so much so that they were noticed as a crucial and striking aspect of his work via

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“What sort of philosophers are we, who know absolutely nothing of the origin and destiny of cats?” - Henry David Thoreau
Art: Cat in Winter Night by Burachat Pluempanya

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Ancient Greek philosophers flourished in the times of safety within the boundaries of their geographical space, the area of us vs them. Today if we wanted to recreate this intellectual prosperity within modern context, we have to consider the interconnection, there is just us.

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It's Simone de Beauvoir's birthday today, a good time to post our third book in the BIG IDEAS FOR LITTLE PHILOSOPHERS series.

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Money and Coins in Ancient Greece 

When we talk about money in the ancient world, we are talking about coins… or at the very least, metal. Now, not surprisingly, the Greek philosophers had plenty to say on this topic...

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Since 'Harry Potter and the philosophers stone' I am a huge fan of Draco Malfoy. I love his bitchy attitude and his development.

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Day 24 of Vampire Wine for the

Halloween is approaching and vampires are spooky, so vampire wine!
Is the wine FOR vampires? Is the wine MADE of vampires? A question for the philosophers.

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“I put myself in that long line of philosophers who believe Socrates the wisest, most happy, most just man who ever lived. What Mozart is to music, Socrates is to being human.” Scott Samuelson

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