To my followers; Sorry if I’ve been distant but I really have been feeling unwell.
Pneumonia really seems to take my breath away. It hurts and seems quite debilitating. I hope this doesn’t last long. :(

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What the hell is in your hair??? Clip ons??? And why tf you wearing THAT when it's raining?? Better catch pneumonia smh

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Paul died a lonely death on October 22, 1906 after contracting pneumonia

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Paul died a lonely death on October 22, 1906 after contracting pneumonia

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died on 22 October 1906. He got caught in a downpour after refusing to take a carriage that increased its price.

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Paul died a lonely death on October 22, 1906 after contracting pneumonia.

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Berthe Morisot died on March 2, 1895. She contracted pneumonia while attending her daughter's similar illness.

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Yay i'm pneumonia free, xrays machines are cool. And i have no idea what i'm doing right now.

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